Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

( My LOL Experience) :D

    I have a LOL experience on the last month. At the time my friends and I were shopping at Kings. We were very happy because we bought everything we want. There were so many discounts of bags, clothes and others. After we had finished shopping we went out of the store and we just noticed that it was rainy. How poor we’re because we did not bring our umbrellas.
   We waited until 1 hour, but the rain still not subsided. We gave up and decided to run. We pierced the heavy of rain. Actually we felt ashamed because we had already soaked. Besides, people around the stores saw us ran away along the road side.
    We decided to go home because I felt cold and really wanted to change my clothes. When we saw a ‘Damri’ bus, we immediately ran to it and entered the travel. In a hurry, my friends and I snatched away to get some seats, but how poor I was at the time. When I tried to get a seat at the back part of the Damri, my right shoe was detached, fell down through the door of the travel and lied on the road. The travel had moved slowly to continue the trip. I almost cried because of one shoe. I called and screamed at the driver of the travel. I screamed: ‘’Excuse me Sir. Can you just stop your bus for a while?. My right shoe falls on the street! I have to take that!’’.
Everyone on the bus looked at me. I thought they felt annoyed of my screaming. In fact I screamed in English.
  With a confused face the driver just stared at me without saying anything. He didn’t stop his bus. I just noticed that maybe the driver didn’t know English. I smiled by myself. My friends just laughed at me, but they gave me thumbs. Well, I screamed again in Indonesian. After I had said to stop the bus, the driver immediately stopped his bus. How poor I was at the time. I went out of the bus without shoes in my legs. The road was so wet. People around the road just laughed at me when I took my right shoe. Anyway, I didn’t care about it. I felt more ashamed than if I didn’t use shoes when I came back home. So I came back to the bus took a seat and felt more comfortable until we arrived.

THRILLER SHORT STORY (Indonesian Version)

                                               Because of Affairs
                                              (By: Afifah Amani)

Manchester, 7 September 2001 jam 23.30 P.M
       Malam itu dingin sekali. Aku mencoba mengusir rasa kantuk yang menyerangku. Berjalan sendiri di malam hari sangat menakutkan bagiku. Namun aku harus segera menemukan apartemenku dan masuk ke kamar.
Daun- daun pepohonan berguguran di sekitar jalan menuju apartemenku. Daun- daun tersebut bergerak karena hembusan angina musim gugur. Aku benar- benar tidak menyukai suasana seperti ini.
Tiba- tiba aku melihat sebuah bayangan hitam di dekiat pintu masuk apartemnku. Bayangan tersebut menatapku dengan tajam, lalu ia berlari dan hilang di balik semak- semak. Aku tak punya kesempatan untuk bertanya padanya, karena sepertinya bayangan itu bergerak lebih cepat daripada perkiraanku.
Aku mengira itu adalah bayangan seseorang yang juga tinggal di apartemenku. Dia memakai kostum serba hitam dan aku kira dia hanya ingin keluar untuk pergi jalan- jalan.
‘’Jalan- jalan? Masa sih? Sekarang sudah hampir tengah malam. Masa dia mau pergi keluar di tengah malam seperti ini? ‘’ berbagai pertanyaan muncul di kepalaku.
Masih dalam keadaan mengantuk, aku mencoba memfokuskan pikiranku dan segera menuju ke kamar Harry. Cahaya lampu di kamarnya masih nyala, tetapi aku tak melihat Harry sejak tadi malam. Aneh sekali… Apakah Harry juga sedang pergi?
Aku mengetuk pintu kamarnya beberapa kali, hasilnya sama aja. Tak ada jawaban. Tiba- tiba aku merasa takut. Ya, aku menyadari bahwa aku sendirian di apartemen ini. Orang- orang sudah pindah dari sini, Harry dan Emilie tidak ada di kamar mereka.
Aku mencoba menghubungi Emilie lagi. Tetap saja, handphonenya tidak aktif.
  Manchester, 7  September , 2001 pukul 23.20 P.M  sebelum  Emilie hilang.
     Apartemen tersebut sangat sepi. Luna  sedang tidak ada di kamarnya. Harry mengetuk pintu kamar Emilie dengan lembut. Tak da jawaban. Akhirnya ia merasa marah dan mendobrak pintu kamar Emilie dengan keras. Dia sangat terkejut ketika ia melihat Emilie sedang tidur bersama lelaki lain.
'' Jadi, benarkan apa yang aku bilang? Kau benar- benar berselingkuh dan tak mau mengakuinya di hadapanku. Sekarang apa maumu? ‘’ Tanya Harry sambil menunjukkan wajah geram dan marah. Matanya berkilat- kilat.
Emilie tidak menjawab apa-apa. Dia hanya terdiam. Lelaki yang tadi tidur bersamanya segera meninggalkan ruangan itu tanpa berkata apa- apa. Lelaki itu hanya menatap Harry dengan wajah ketakutan dan berlari sejauh mungkin meninggalkan bangunan apartemen itu.
Harry tak kuasa menahan amarahnya dan segera menghampiri Emilie.
'' Aku sudah berusaha membuatmu senang, tetapi kau menyakitiku dengan tidur bersama lelaki lain dan kau juga berselingkuh dengan banyak lelaki. Kau berusaha meyakinkan teman- temanmu dengan memperlihatkan dirimu yang berpura- pura menderita dan mengatakan bahwa aku adalah iblis! DASAR PELACUR!’’ teriak Harry.
'' Hahaha ... Kau saja yang bodoh. Kenapa kau mau denganku, hey vampir aneh??!! ‘’ jawab Emilie dengan wajah dan senyum sinisnya.
   Harry semakin geram mendengar jawaban Emilie. Dia melihat sebuah belati diatas meja belajar Emilie. Dengan perasaan kacau, Harry yang masih dalam keadaan marah  dan putus asa segera mengambil belati tersebut dan menancapkan ujungnya ke bagian perut Emilie.
Darah merah segar mengalir dari perut Emilie. Emilie berteriak kesakitan dan hanya bisa menatap Harry dengan wajah  sayu dan lemah.
Harry yang melihat darah segar itu merasa gelisah.  Seharian ia merasa haus untuk berburu darah segar. Ya, Harry adalah seorang vampir. Emilie sudah lama mengetahui tentang itu. Selama ini, Harry berusaha untuk tidak menyerang manusia, karena ia biasanya meminum darah binatang. Meskipun demikian, sejak perasaannya terhadap Emilie menjadi tak menentu dan selalu ingin marah, dia tak bisa menahan rasa hausnya ketika mencium bau darah dari tubuh Emilie.
Harry segera mengarahkan taringnya kea rah perut Emlie dan menghisap darahnya. Harry tidak menyadari bahwa ia telah menyebarkan racun vampirnya ke tubuh Emilie. Harry benar- benar tidak memikirkan konsekuensi apa yang akan terjadi nanti.
Perlahan- lahan, Emilie merasa lemas dalam cengkeraman Harry.  Harry menatap mata Emilie yang terlihat sedih dan seperti memohon. Lalu, Emilie menutup matanya.
Harry yang baru saja menhisap darah Emilie menatap tubuh tak berdaya itu dengan pandangan datar. Harry tidak tahu apakah ia harus merasa sedih atau tidak. Yang jelas, Emilie telah menyakitinya.
Dengan segera, Harry membawa tubuh yang sudah mati itu keluar. Harry tak lupa mengunci pintu kamara Emilie. Dengan memakai jubah hitam, Harry menggendong tubuh tak berdaya itu menuju pintu keluar apartemen. Tiba- tiba ia seseorang berdiri di dekat pagar apartemen itu….Luna… Ya, itu Luna. Luna sedang menatap ke arahnya. Dengan tergesa- gesa, Harry berlari dengan gesit menuju kearah semak belukar, membawa tubuh Emilie


            Mobil Harry berhenti di sebuah pantai. Bulan purnama masih setia menghiasi langit malam itu. Harry menggendong tubuh kaku Emilie keluar dari mobil.
Harry menatap wajah Emilie untuk terakhir kalinya dengan pandangan datar dan kosong. Tetapi di salah satu sudut mata Harry, mengalir setetes air mata. Air mata kesedihan……..
Sebelum ia membuang tubuh Emilie kea rah deburan ombak, dia melekatkan bibirnya ke bibir Emilie dengan sepenuh hati dan berkata:’’ Aku mencintaimu, tetapi kau menyakitiku. Aku kira kau pantas mendapatkan semua ini sayangku!.
Kemudian ia membuang tubuh kaku itu kea rah deburan ombak besar. Tubuh itu terbawa dan terombang- ambing oleh ombak  hingga ke tengah lautan. Tubuh itu pun tenggelam bersama  kenangan pahit yang dialami oleh Harry. 
  Para polisi mendobrak pintu mereka. Tidak sesuatu yang mencurigakan di dalam kamar Harry. Tetapi ketika para polisi masuk ke kamar Emilie, teapt sekali di dekat pintu, terdapat tetesan darah. Aku sangat terkejut melihat itu. Itu berarti…Emilie dibunuh.. Ya, itu pasti. Dan aku percaya bahwa Harry yang sudah membunuhnya. Keeseokan paginya, aku segera mencari Harry di sekitar kampus. Dan itu dia… Dia sedang duduk di bawah sebuah pohon Oak di dekat taman kampus kami. Harry menatap lurus ke depan dan pandangannya benar- benar kosong.
‘’Harry, hey Harry. Aku perlu bicara denganmu! Aku benar- benar tak tahan dengan semua yang telah terjadi. Kau membunuh Emilie kan?’’ tanyaku dan menatapnya dengan geram..
‘’Ya! Lalu kau mau apa?’’ Harry balik bertanya padaku dengan nada suara yang datar dan dia tetap menatap kosong ke depan tanpa melihat wajahku.
 ‘’ Kau…. Apa? Kau benar- benar membunuhnya? ‘’tanyaku dengan nada terkejut dan heran  mengapa Harry mau begitu saja mengakui  apa yang telah ia perbuat. Harry, yang masih terduduk saat itu langsung berdiri dan menatapku.
 ‘’Ya Luna, aku seorang vampir. Dan aku telah membunuhnya di malam ketika kau melihatku mengenakan jubah hitam dan membawa  tubuh Emilie keluar dari apartemen!’’ jawab Harry masih dengan intonasi datar.
Aku tidak percaya dengan penjelasan Harry. Dia benar- benar seorang vampir? Tidak mungkin. Setahuku vampir hanya ada di negeri dongeng.
‘’ Omong kosong. Taka da vampir di dunia ini. Jangan buat hal itu menjadi alasanmu untuk membunuh Emilie. Kau membunuhnya karena kau jahat. Kau kira dia berselingkuh? Asal kau tahu saja, dia tak pernah berselingkuh. Kau hanya terlalu cemburu, sehingga kau sering menamparnya!’’ teriakku.
Harry tertawa sinis mendengar penjelasanku. Lalu ia berkata:
‘’Kau tahu sesuatu Luna? Kaulah yang bodoh.  Begitu bodohnya memiliki teman seperti Emilie. Faktanya, dia tak pernah bercerita padamu bahwa ia berselingkuh dengan banyak lelaki. Aku sudah berusaha untuk bersabar tetapi terkadang aku tak bisa menahan emosiku hingga aku menampar pipinya dan terjadilah peristiwa itu. Malam itu aku melihat Emilie sedang tidur bersama seorang pria yang tak ku kenal. Aku benar- benar marah. Pria tak berguna itu hanya menatapku dengan wajah ketakutan dan berlari keluar dari apartemen kita. Setelah pria itu pergi, aku segera membunuh Emilie dengan menancapkan sebilah belati ke perutnya. Lalu aku menghisap darahnya. Jadi sekarang, menjauhlah dariku sebelum aku melakukan hal yang sama padamu, Luna!’’ kata Harry masih dengan intonasi datar. Aku melihat air mata di salah satu sudut matanya.
Mendengar penjelasan Harry, aku benar- benar pusing dan tak tahu harus melakukan apa. Masih dalam kebingingan, aku segera berlari meninggalkannya dan tak mau menoleh sedikitpun untuk melihatnya lagi.
Malam itu, aku dan orang tua Emilie ditemani oleh beberapa polisi yang datang ke apartemen kami. Polisi- polisi itu menemukan Harry di kamarnya. Ketika para polisi tersebut hendak meringkusnya, tiba- tiba aku melihat Harry bergerak cepat dan menerkam polisi- polisi itu. Suara tembakan membuat suasana gaduh di kamar itu, tetapi tak satupun tembakan itu melukai Harry. Segera Harry menghisap darah para polisi itu satu persatu hingga mereka terjatuh dan kehabisan tenaga, lalu mereka tak sadarkan diri. Segalanya terjadi begitu cepat. Aku hanya tertegun melihat para polisi yang sudah tak sadarkan diri  dengan tubuh kaku tak berdaya. Aku hanya tak bisa menerima kenyataan bahwa Harry adalah seorang vampir. Aku juga melihat orang tua Emilie menunjukkan wajah kaget luar biasa.
Kakiku bergetar dengan hebat dan aku merasa takut luar biasa. Aku dan orang tua Emilie segera berlari meninggalkan ruangan itu. Tetapi tiba- tiba aku merasakan sebuah tangan mencengkeram bahuku. Aku berteriak hingga aku menyadari bahwa itu adalah tangan Harry
 ‘’Kau lihat kan? Aku vampir. Tetapi aku tidak akan melukai seseorang yang tak pernah mengganggu hidupku, seperti kau dan orang tua Emilie. Kalian taka da sangkut pautnya dengan hidupku!’’ Harry berbisik di telingaku dan segera ia meninggalkan ruangan itu.
Larinya secepat kilat. Dia sangat cepat. Dalam satu detik, dia sudah tiba di depan pintu keluar apartemen. Harry memberikan senyuman kecil  padaku.
Aku benar- benar bingung. Kenyataan bahwa Harry adalah seorang vampir masih tidak bisa diterima oleh akal sehatku. Tetapi suatu hal yang jelas. Dia, memang seorang vampir. Hanya saja…Apakah Emilie benar- benar menyakitinya dengan berselingkuh  dengan banyak lelaki? Aku harus membuktikannya

Manchester, 11 September , 2001 pukul  9 P.M
    Harry membawa mobilnya menjauhi cafĂ© tersebut. Masih dalam keadaan mabuk, dia menaikkan kecepatan mobilnya di atas rata- rata.
Di sebuah jalan sepi, Harry merasa lebih bebas untuk menaikkan tingkat kecepatan mobilnya. Tiba- tiba ia melihat seorang perempuan melintasi trotoar  tepat di depan mobilnya. Dengan rasa terkejut, Harry segera menginjak pedal rem agar perempuan tersebut tidak tertabrak oleh mobilnya. Tetapi, karena kejadiannya berlangsung dengan cepat, Harry tidak memikirkan resikonya. Mobilnya terlempar, jatuh dan menabrak sebuah pohon besar dipinggir jalan. Harry kesakitan dan kehabisan tenaga  ketika ia melihat perempuan yang tadi melintasi trotoar itu. Dia…dia Emilie..Yeah, Emilie…
Kenapa dia bisa hidup lagi? ‘’Harry bertanya pada dirinya sendiri. Emilie menghampiri Harry dan berkata:’’ Maafkan aku sayang. Aku harus membuatmu terluka dengan kecelakaan ini. Tapi aku tahu kau tak akan mati, karena kau vampir. Seorang vampir hidup dalam keabadian. Tetapi vampir juga memiliki kelemahan sayangku. Jika kita mematahkan leher mereka, mereka tak akan pernah hidup lagi!’’ kata Emilie dan mencium bibir Harry. Harry tak berdaya dan tak bisa bangun. Persendian tulangnya terasa sakit. Harry tak percaya denagn apa yang dilihatnya. Kenapa Emilie bisa ada disini?
 ‘’Kau?.. Kau seharusnya sudah mati. Kau tak bisa hidup disini, jalang!’’ teriak Harry.
 ‘’ Kau salah besar, sayang. Apa kau tak ingat? Kau tak hanya menghisap darahku saja waktu itu, tetapi kau juga menyebarkan racun vampirmu padaku. Racun itu membuat pembuluh darahku berdesir dan jantungku menjadi pecah. Racun itu menyentuh pembuluh darahku sehingga aku pun berubah menjadi vampir. Yeah, aku vampire seperti dirimu. Sekarang aku pasti bisa mematahkan lehermu hingga kau tak memiliki kepala lagi dan kau akan mati. Ha ha ha!’’ Emilie tertawa dengan sinis.
Harry dan Emilie tidak menyadari bahwa Luna sedang bersembunyi dan melihat mereka di kejauhan. Luna bisa mendengar apa yang dikatakan oleh Emilie. Luna benar- benar merasa sulit untuk mempercayai semua ini. Tiba- tiba ia melihat Emilie mencengkeram leher Harry dengan kedua tangannya. Harry tak bisa melukan apa- apa dengan tubuh tak berdaya seperti itu. Ia hanya bisa membuang muka ketika Emilie mendekatkan wajahnya ke wajah Harry. Tetapi yang terjadi selanjutnya adalah Emilie mematahkan leher Harry. Dia menarik kepala Harry hingga terlepas dari tubuhnya. Tak ada darah. Yeah, karena vampir tak memiliki darah. Karena itulah mereka merasa haus akan darah. Luna hanya menatap tubuh kaku Harry yang sudah tanpa kepala itu. Sementara kepala Harry yang sudah terlepas dari tubuhnya itu digenggam oleh Emilie. Emilie tertawa cekikikan dan mencium bibir Harry.
‘’ Ya, apartemen St. Hall Santiago ini sudah lama dibangun. Kira- kira 40 tahun yang lau, Harry tinggal disini bersamaku. Ibunya juga seorang vampir yang dibunuh dengan cara yang sama seperti Emilie membunuh Harry tadi malam. Banyak wanita cantik tinggal disini. Harry jatuh cinta dengan beberapa diantara  mereka dan akhirnya berpacaran. Tetapi satu persatu dari mereka menyakiti Harry. Mereka berselingkuh, hingga Harry bertekad membunuh mereka, menghisap darah mereka. Sejak saat itu, Harry selalu mencari wanita terbaik yang bisa membuatnya bahagia. Tetapi hingga sekarang ia tak bisa menemukan wanita seperti itu. Dia lelaki yang baik hati. Apa alasannya untuk menyakiti Emilie? Dia sudah belajar untuk  tidak menghisap darah manusia. Karena itulah setiap malam dia selalu berburu darah hewan di hutan. Tetapi jika orang- orang mengganggu kehidupannya, dia akan membunuh mereka dan menghisap darah mereka. Para vampir hidup dalam keabadian. Mereka tak bisa dibunuh kecuali dengan cara mematahkan leher mereka. Kau tahu? Mungkin pada malam disaat Harry membunuh Emilie, dia tak sengaja menyebarkan racun vampirnya ke tubuh Emilie. Hal itu telah menciptakan suatu masalah. Ya, Emilie hidup sebagai seorang vampir baru!’’ lelaki tua pemilik apartemen kami menjelaskan secara detail. Dan ternyata ia adalah ayah Harry yang juga merupakan seorang vampir.
 ‘’Jika Emilie hidup sebagai seorang vampir baru, bukankah hali itu akan menjadi masalah? Maksudku, dia kan masih baru. Apakah dia hanya akan menghisap darah hewan saja? Kau tahu, dia belum belajar untuk hal itu. Aku takut  kalau dia akan menyerang manusia!’’ kataku dengan nada cemas.
‘’ Ya, itu pasti terjadi!’’ kata Ayah Harry dengan nada yakin.
 ‘’Ap..Apa maksud Anda? Emilie akan menyerang manusia? ‘’ tanyaku kaget
 ‘’Ya, jadi, sebelum ia berbuat lebih jauh lagi, aku akan mencoba mencarinya dan membunuhnya!’’ kata Ayah Harry mantap.
  Malam itu, Ayah Harry yang sudah terbiasa menahan nafsunya untuk tidak menyerang manusia sedang berburu hewan di sebuah hutan. Aku hanya bisa melihat aksinya. Karena ia menikmati aksi berburunya itu, sepertinya ia melupakanku yang juga saat itu sedang bersamanya. Dia meninggalkanku sendirian untuk mengejar mangsanya. Tiba- tiba seseorang merengkuh bahuku dari belakang. Aku terkejut melihat wajah itu…Itu Emilie..Wajah pucat dengan kedua matanya yang berwarna merah sedang menatapku..
‘’ Apa kabar sahabatku?’’ Tanya Emilie seraya menghampiriku. Aku hanya menjawab dengan gugup dan sedikit panik: ‘’Ak..aku baik- baik saja!’’
Aku sangat takut padanya. Dia seorang vampir baru. Itu berarti..dia akan menyerangku..Oh Tuhan…
‘’ Jangan takut seperti itu. Ayolah, aku akan mengubahmu menjadi vampir, karena kau adalah sahabat terbaikku. Aku ingin melakukan segala hal bersama denganmu!’’ kata Emilie seraya tersenyum sinis.
 ‘’Teman terbaikmu? Kita tak pernah berteman dank au tak akan pernah menjadi temanku. KAau berbohong padaku. Kau bilang Harry selalu menyakitimu. Faktanya, dia memang menyakitimu karena alasan yang jelas. Kau berselingkuh dengan banyak lelaki, Emilie. Apa kau tak sadar? Selama ini aku membenci Harry, tapi aku salah. Kau telah membuat semuanya menjadi kacau, jalang!’’ teriakku.
 ‘’Hey, tenanglah sedikit. Aku tahu aku bersalah. Tetapi segalanya tak akan bisa kembali lagi. Semuanya sudah terjadi!’’ katanya dan segera menhampiriku. Aku takut ia akan melakukan sesuatu padaku. Tiba- tiba….
 ‘’AAArgggggh!’’ teriakku kesakitan karena Emilie menacapkan taringnya tepat di leherku. Aku merasa seperti terserang listrik dengan tekanan tinggi. Aku merasa jantungku terlepas dan pembuluh darahku bergejolak. Sakit sekali. Akhirnya….
Aneh sekali. Aku merasa haus. Emilie menghampiriku. Dengan tersenyum ia berkata:
 ‘’ Bagaimana perasaanmu? Kau merasa haus kan? Ayo berburu!’’ dia mengundangku dan menarik tanganku.
Aku hanya bisa mengikutinya, karena aku benar- benar merasa haus akan darah. Sebagai seorang vampire baru, bukan tidak mungkin aku akan menyerang manusia.


Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Horror Zone

Horror Zone
 by Afifah Amani, Dini  Amaliasari, Merlin Mersita Ardania, Resti Hidayati, Endang Firdaus
All rights reserved

Writers            :      Afifah Amani, Dini  Amaliasari, Merlin Mersita Ardania, Resti
                          Hidayati,  Endang Firdaus
Editor               :      Afifah Amani
Cover Design   :     Resti Hidayati, Afifah Amani

First edition, Mei 2013

                             ST. Hall Santiago
                                  (By: Merlin Mersita Ardania & Afifah Amani)

        Harry’s car was stopped on a beach. The full moon was still in loyalty to adorn that night sky. Harry put outside Emilie’s body which was stiff from his car and soon carried her.
Harry stared that body one more time with a flat gaze. But, in the corner of his right eye, there was tears flowing. Sadness tears….

Before he threw up Emilie’s body to the wave, he had kissed Emilie’s lips with a full- hearted and said: ‘’I love you, but you hurt me. I think you’re appropriate to get all of this my darling!’’
Then, he threw up the stiff body to the big wave. That body was taken along by the wave into the middle of the sea. That body was washed away together with the nasty memories of Harry.
After that, Harry left the beach.

         My name is Luna. I am a student of Manchester University, United Kingdom. Because of the distance between my house and my college was very far, so I decided to rent an apartment near my college during my study. Yes, my hometown is in Greenwich, and some years ago I got a scholarship to continue my study to Manchester University. For the first time I was in the long distance from my parents and during a week I had to live in the new environment and new friends for sure.
        Manchester, August 6th, 2001.

          I had looked for some apartments for students near my college, but there was no one of them came true into my heart. Besides the price was so high, the situation was really different. At last I found an apartement, called St. Hall Santiago on the tip of street. For the first time I felt unsure to stay there because I saw the building looked like something old and its paint had been peeled off everywhere, it was terrified. There was a wide front yard, filled by wild grasses and a big Ek tree. Wind of autumn had made leaves of the tree fell down from its branch. I prefer to stay in the apartment rather than others because it was far away from disturbance in order to make me focus in study. Besides, the price was not so expensive for a student like me. Yes, although the rooms were so narrow, for me it didn’t matter. The important thing was I could rest there.  
 St. Hall Santiago had 20 rooms. Because of the position of rooms were face to face, there was a long corridor went in the direction of a bathroom. Along the corridor there were only two lamps so when the night coming, the atmosphere looked like in terrified.  The small size of the room made me feel tight and hot, so I often opening the door and got outside of my room to get fresh air. But the weird thing was the apartment was stayed by a few people. When I asked the owner of the apartment, he just said that it didn’t become a problem, because he made a limitation of the number of people who want to stay there. Weird…
 After one month, I had a new friend occupied rooms in a corner, near the bathroom. Her name was Emelie, she also enrolled in the same university as mine but we were in different faculties. I felt strange to her, because she wanted to occupy a room smaller than my bedroom. The place was dirty and damp, there were a lot of mushrooms on the wall, and the roof was leaked. Anyway it was very improper place to live. But she looked just as comfortable on the ground.
 “Why do you want to stay there?’’ I asked.
 “Actually I also do not feel comfortable to stay in this place, but I have no other choice because of economic limitations!" she answered.
     I often felt the strangeness in my apartment. Almost every Tuesday night I always heard the cries of a woman who came from Emilie’s room, as if she was moaning in pain. At first I thought it was a crying of Emilie. But something that made me feel weird was the sound of crying was just there every Tuesday night. Out of curiosity, I would like to inquire about it to Emilie. But Emilie said that he had never cried at night like that. I was so scared. Does Emilie lie? If it was not hers, then whose else?

Finally, I tried to ask about it to the owner of the apartment. He was seeping an empty room. 
“Excuse me Sir. I want to ask you something. A room which is accupied by Emilie now, what’s happening there? I often heard strange noises from the room!" I asked with great curiosity.
"Hmm maybe it was just your hallucination!" the owner oh the apartmnent replied with a short in time. He kept seeping the room, didn’t pay attention to me who was still in curiosity.
   Since the first meeting with Emilie I felt comfortable with her. Because she was relaxed and easy going so that she didn’t make me stiff to make friends with her. Although I did not live with my family, I did not feel lonely because I had a best friend who was always there for me. According to me, she was a perfect girl, because she was beautiful, smart, friendly, stolid, and she had a good voice. But she's also someone who was quite closed to anyone. She had never talked about her personal problems so I did not know what she was feeling and wanting. I thought she was the type of person who did not want to bother anyone else. But with her attitude, I felt worried and afraid something happens to her.
It didn’t feel that almost 6 months I had made friends with Emilie, and everything worked well.We always spent time together, both in campus and off campus. We also always shared our mind about what we had done in campus. I was so grateful to have had a good friend like her because she was a person understanded me, besides my parents. I made her as place to lean on to devote all my heart, whether when I was in weakness or falling. Because I believed she always gave me a good solution.
But I did not feel all those things anymore when Emilie had already known a boy named Harry who had age 1 year older than ours.
He also stayed in the same apartment, in a room number of 33. I really did not know how they knew each other and made a relationship. But one thing made ​​me in a distance with Emilie was her different attitude towards me. I felt very far from Emilie and she hardly had time to talk to me because everyday she spent the time with Harry. Sometimes I did not understand what happened on Emilie’s mind, she looked like a person who was being hypnotized by Harry because she always obeyed what was commanded by him, whereas before Emilie had told that he hated and disliked Harry.
Actually I really did not like with the proximity of Emilie and Harry because I knew Harry was not someone who has good attitude at the college. Many of my college friends often talked about Harry. He often skipped the schedule lectures. He was also a smoker, a playboy and a drunkard. When I asked about Harry to my friends, I saw the expression of fear on their faces. They just said:'' Get away from him, or you will be miserable. He .. he is a ... devil, evil!'' Then, when they saw Harry coming to us, they were looked like scared people rushing to leave me and Harry.
Strange... Why do they so scared of Harry?’’ I asked myself.
I looked at Harry's pale face. The tall handsome guy was supposed to has a lot of fan girls. He had everything. He was handsome, tall, and sexy. But why it seemed like he was feared by many people here?
If I noticed, he was a jealous person, he forbade Emilie to close with anyone, included me, her best friend. The feeling of jealousy caused their relationship was not harmonious. I often heard fights between Emilie and Harry on the phone. But Emilie never told me about it. Because I was afraid, I was often asked about the situation. But she always tried to comfort me with an answer "do not worry dear, I'm fine. Really" she said with a smile and patted my shoulder
Though Emilie had never told me what he had done with Harry, but I could see and feel the pain in Emilie. I had never seen happiness and harmony in their relationship, there was only a fight because of a jealousy. As evidence, Harry did not allow Emilie to make friends with anyone and he always rebuked Emilie when we're together campus. I really felt sad to see the condition of my best friend. She became unfree wherever he goes. But I could not do anything about it because I was afraid if I approached Emilie, the situation was even worse. I felt there was something wrong with their relationship, because Emilie was still maintains their relationship athough there were some quarrels between them.
I really felt lonely and demoralized in my life. Like someone who had lost one of her legs, she would never walk normally again. "Oh God give my Emilie, I want her as usual, she used to there for me at any time".
      Manchester, September 3th, 2001.
I saw Emilie lying limp on her bed. Her face was pale, like a person who was bled and her body was cold. I was shocked when I touch the skin. It was cold. What's wrong with her?
"Are you ok Emilie?" I asked as I approached and sat beside her with a sense of worry.
"I am fine Luna. Maybe I'm just tired!’’ She said with a weak tone.
I was really surprised when I saw a bruise on her cheek. "What's the matter with your cheek?’’ I frowned and touched the wounds bruises.

"Oh this bruise, hmmm.. Yesterday I was bumped by a basketball of some students who were practicing basketball at campus". She answered. She looked so nervous and turned away her face from me.
With the answers like that I didn’t believe in her. I thought she was lying. I suspect Emilie had another fight with Harry and I was sure Harry had caused the bruises.
"You're lying, right?"I forced her to acknowledge what had happened.
"No Luna, come on do not be too worried about me, I'm fine, I just need a break, ok?!" She said.
"I know you're lying to me, though for 2 months we’re in a distance but as a friend I can feel all the pain you're going through, if you're still not going to tell what really happened, it's ok, no problem, but if there is something undesirable happen to you, do not ever blame me ok? I love you!" I said with tears in my eyes because I could not see a situation like that. Soon I went out of her room and went to college.


Manchester, September 7th, 2001 at 23.30 p.m.
The night was cold. I tried to dispel the sleepiness that was being attacked me. Walking alone at night was very scary to me. Therefore I had to quickly to find my apartment and came into my room.
The leaves on the trees were falling around the road of the apartment. They were moved by the autumn wind. I did not like that atmosphere.
Suddenly I saw a flash of black shadows out of the entrance of my apartment.  That shadow looked at me briefly and then ran and lost in the bush. I did not have enough time to ask, because it seemed that shadow more nimble than me.
I thought it was a shadow of someone who also lived in the apartment. He dressed all in black and wanted to go out for a walk.
‘’Walking? Is that true? Now it's almost midnight. He wants to go out at this hour? '' Thoughts raged in my head.
I rushed into the apartment and found no one in the living room. I passed the apartment building hallway and realized something.
I did not see the light bulbs in all rooms, both at first and second floors.

All I saw was my room lights and the room of Harry refracted light from the ventilation .
‘’Where are all the people?'' I said in my heart.
Suddenly I saw a lantern at the corner of the corridor. The Lantern was moving towards me. Yes, the object was held by someone who was very creepy. I was so scared. When that person came up to me, I just became aware that he was the owner of this apartment.
'' Some have moved away from this apartment. Now it's only you, Emilie, and Harry who were inhabit this apartment!'' Said the old man, as if to answer the question popped in my head.
'' Move? Why? Do they feel uncomfortable stay here?'' I asked, in a tone of wonder.
'' It’s none of your business!'' Replied the old man's with a flat tone and soon passed.
I fell silent when he answered with that way. Indeed, it was none of my business. But what is wrong if I just ask that? Ah never mind maybe they moved because they felt uncomfortable with the narrows rooms. But, where is Emilie? Why does the lamp not light up in her room?’’ I asked myself.
With curiosity, I knocked on her door a few times. There was no answer. It was weird. Not usually Emilie was not in her room at middle of night like this. Besides, she was in sick.
I was very anxious and worried. I dialed her phone number. All I heard was a voice said: "The number of your calling is not active or is out of range, please try again later".I had tried to contact her several times, but still no answer.
 That night I had a strange dream. I saw Emilie washed up in an unfamiliar sea.
'' Help me Luna .. Lunaaaa ...!'' Emilie screamed and asked my helping.
My legs felt heavy to move. I did not know why. At the time, I immediately woke up from the nightmare. I looked at the clock, it showed 2 A.M. I felt so exhausted, sticky and thirsty. I immediately took a glass of water on the table beside my bed. For some reason, I had an uneasy feeling. I could just cry at the time. Dreams that just happened a little while seemed to make me feel tired as if it was a very long nightmare. I could not sleep until late morning, because I thought Emilie. I had no idea where she was……
The next morning, with a sense of remarkable drowsiness, I tried to focus my mind and immediately went to Harry's room. Bedroom light was still on, but I had not seen him since last night. It was weird.. Does Harry also going out?
I knocked on his door many times. The Result was the same. There was no answer. Suddenly I felt scared. Yes, I realized that I was alone in the apartment. People had moved on, Harry and Emilie did not exist in their room.
I tried to contact Emilie again. Still, her phone was not active.
Finally I decided to call her parents. Yes, Emilie had ever borrowed my phone to call her parents. And I immediately saved the number on my phone contacts.

When I called her parents, they said they they also did not know where Emilie was. They were really shocked and decided to visit the apartment.
I explained everything to them when they had arrived at the apartment. They were really shocked with my explanation.
Emilie’s mother suggested that I have to call Harry. But unfortunately, I also did not have the Harry’s number. I really regretted that I didn’t keep Emilie well. But Emilie’s parents tried to comfort me by saying that it was not my fault, it was just that Emilie who did not want to tell anything about the problem to me. I knew they were in anxious incredible. Therefore, I was determined to help them to find Emilie.

We immediately went to the police station to report about the loss of Emilie. We explained what had happened to Emilie and did not forget to tell about the relationship between Emilie and Harry. Police intervened to deal Emili.The polices investigation had been a week, but still no avail. I lead the day-to-day full of trouble because almost every night I had nightmares about Emilie, the same dream. Emilie shouted among the waves which was dragged her into the middle of the ocean
News of the loss of Emilie had been spreaded out to campus. And after many days, I just saw Harry. Surprisingly, Harry looked like he didn’t care about the loss of Emilie. I suspected him. I started looking for information about Harry's life from his friends and some documents from the campus. Nothing could be a clue to solve the problem. But I still kept the document which was contains the data to Harry. I felt it could be usefull. Police had interrogated Harry. But Harry just said that he knew nothing about the loss of Emilie.

   Manchester,  September 7th, 2001 at 23.20 P.M before the news about the loss of Emilie.
     The apartment was quiet. Luna was not in her room. Harry knocked on Emilie’s door softly. There was no answer. Finally he felt angry and broke down the door mightily. How shocked he was when he saw Emilie was sleeping with a boy.
'' So, it’s true what I said, right? You're really having an affair and do not want to admit it in front of me. Now what?'' asked Harry and show his furious and anger face.
Emilie did not answer anything. She was silent. The boy who slept with her immediately left the room without saying anything. The boy just stared at Harry with a frightened face and ran away leaving the apartment building.
Harry could not hold back his anger and immediately approached Emilie.
'' I tried to make you happy, but you hurt me by sleeping with another boy and have affairs with some other man. You look like in suffering so that your friends said I was an evil. YOU’RE SLUT!’’ Harry shouted.
'' Hahaha ... You're just a fool. Why are you going out with me, hey freak vampire??!!!'' said Emilie with a cynical face
   Harry saw a knife that was on a table in the room of Emilie. With a feeling of harass, Harry who still angry desperation took the knife and plunged the knife onto the abdomen of Emilie.
Fresh red blood flew from Emilie’s stomach. Emilie moaned in pain and looked at Harry with a wistful face.
Harry who saw the fresh blood felt excited. Throughout the day he felt thirsty to hunt fresh blood. Yes, Harry was a vampire. Emilie knew about that. During this time, Harry tried not to attack humans, because he was used to suck the blood of animals. However, since that time his feelings on Emilie was in an unstable state and always wanted to be angry, he could not resist his thirst.
He immediately aimed his fangs onto Emilie’s stomach and immediately sucked her blood. Harry did not realize that he also spreaded his vampire toxins into Emilie’s body. Harry did not think about would the consequences later.
Slowly, Emilie fell limp in the arms of Harry. Harry looked at her sad eyes pleading with a view. Then, Emilie closed her eyes.
Harry who was just sucked her blood stared his lover's with a flat gaze. Harry did not know if he should feel sad or not. Clearly, Emilie hurt him.
Immediately, he brought the dead body out of the room. Harry did not forget to lock the door. With black robes, Harry held the helpless body toward the exit of the apartment. Suddenly he saw someone in front of the fence apartment ... Luna .. Yes, it was Luna. Luna was watching. Immediately, he ran swiftly toward the bushes, carried Emilie’s body.


              Harry’s car was stopped on a beach. The full moon was still in loyalty to adorn that night sky. Harry put outside Emilie’s body which was stiff from his car and soon carried her.
Harry stared that body one more time with a flat gaze. But, in the corner of his right eye, there was tears flowing. Sadness tears….

Before he threw up Emilie’s body to the wave, he had kissed Emilie’s lips with a full- hearted and said: ‘’I love you, but you hurt me. I think you’re appropriate to get all of this my darling!’’
Then, he threw up the stiff body to the big wave. That body was taken along by the wave into the middle of the sea. That body was washed away together with the nasty memories of Harry.
After that, Harry left the beach.
   Polices smashed their doors. There was no something suspiciouses in Harry’s room. But in Emile’s room, exactly on the floor, there were some drops of frozen blood. I was really shocked with them. It meant…Emile had been murdered… Yes, that’s sure. And I believed that Harry had murdered Emilie. Tomorrow morning, I looked for Harry. I really had to find Harry at the day. And here he was.. He was sitting under an Oak tree near our campus garden. Harry stared straight and his gaze was empty.
‘’Harry, hey Harry. I need to talk to you! I really can’t stand with all have happened. You have killed Emile, right?’’ I asked him and stared at him infuriated.
‘’Yes! Then what do you want? ’’ Harry asked me back with a flat intonation and he kept his empty gaze.
‘’ You…. What? You really have killed her?’’ I asked with a shocked intonation and wondered why Harry confes what he had done. Harry, who was sitting at the time, suddenly stood up and stared at me.
‘’Yes, I’m a vampire. And I have killed her in the night when you saw me wearing black clothing and bringing Emilie’s body out of the apartment!’’ said Harry with a flat tone.
I couldn’t believe with Harry’s explanation. He was really a vampire? It was impossible, because vampires were only there on fairytales..
‘’It is a bullshit. There is no vampire in this world. Don’t make it as your reason to kill Emilie. You have killed her because you’re so wicked. Do you think she did an affair? She has never been in affair before. You just felt jealous, so you often to slapped her!’’ I screamed.
Harry laughed cynically when he haerd my explanation. Then he said:
‘’ Do you know something Luna? You’re just a fool. You’re so fool had a friend like Emilie. In fact, she’s never told you that she having some affairs with other boys. I have tried to be patient but sometimes I couldn’t hold my emotion until I slapped her cheek and that event happened. At the night I saw Emilie was sleeping with a boy whom I didn’t know. I was really angry. That useless boy only stared at me with his frightened eyes and ran to leave the apartment. After he had gone, soon I killed Emilie with a knife on her stomach. Then I sucked her blood. So now, get away from me before I do the same thing to you, Luna!’’ said Harry still in his flat tone.
Heard Harry’s explanation, I was really dizzy and I had no idea what to do. Still in confusing, soon I ran to leave him and didn’t want to turn my head behind. 
Soon I reported about that to the police. At the night, Emilie’s parents and I were accompanied with some polices who immadietely came to our apartment. The police found Harry in his room. When the police wanted to catch him, suddenly I saw Harry moved quickly and pounced the police. Sounds of shooting made a noisy in the room, but no one could hurt Harry. Soon Harry sucked the polices’ blood until they fell down,felt exhausted, then they were unconscious. Everything happened so fast. I just stupified seeing the police had died with their stiif bodies. I just couldn’t accept that a fact said Harry was a vampire. I saw Emilie’s parents also showed their shocked face.
My legs were in great trembling and I felt frightened. Soon Emilie’s parents and I ran leaving the room. But suddenly I felt a hand grabbed my right shoulder. I screamed until I realized something. It was Harry’s hand…
 ‘’Did you see that? I’m a vampire. But I won’t hurt people who are never disturbing my life, such as you and Emilie’s parents. You guys are not related with my life!’’ he wwhispered in my ears and soon he ran leaving the room.
Her running liked thunder. He was so quickly. In one second, he had arrived on the exit of the apartment. Harry gave his little smile to me..
I was really confused. The reality that Harry was a vampire still hadn’t been accepted by my mind yet. But something had been cleared. He, indeed, was a vampire. It was just…Did Emilie hurt him with having some affairs with some boys? I had to get the proof.                                                                               ***
Manchester, September 11th, 2001 at 9 P.M
     Harry was driving his car away from the cafĂ©. Still in drunk, he brought the car above the average fastness.
On a quiet street, Harry felt free to increase the car’s fastness. Suddenly he saw a girl crossed the sidewalk. With a feeling of shocked, soon Harry treaded the brake pedal in order the girl was not in accident. But, because of the event happened so fast, Harry didn’t think the risk. His car was flunged, fell down and had a collision with a big tree on the street side. Harry felt really hurt in his body. He was really exhausted until he saw a girl who crossed the sidewalk. She.. she was Emilie.. Yeah, Emilie.  .
Why does she alive again?’’ Harry asked by himself. Soon Emilie approached him and said:’’ I’m so sorry babe, I have to make you hurt in this accident. But I know you won’t die, because you’re vampire. A vampire lives in eternality. But vampire have a weakness, babe. If we break their necks, they will never live anymore!’’ Emilie said and kissed Harry’s lips.Hary didn’t believe of he saw. Why did Emilie come back?
 ‘’You?.. You should have been died. You can’t live here, bitch!’’ Harry screamed.
 ‘’ You’re reaaly in a great mistake, darling. Don’t you remember? You didn’t only suck my blood at the time, but you also spreaded your vampire’s poison to me. The poison made my arteri were sizzled and my heart had gone. The poison touched my arteri so I changed completely, I turned to a vampire. Yes, I’m a vampire like you. Now, I can break your neck until u don’t have a head anymore and you will die. Ha ha ha ha!’’ Emilie smiled cynically and approached Harry who was still lying in weakness because of that accident. Both of them didn’t realize that Luna was hiding and seein them in the distance. Luna could hear of what Emilie had said. Luna was reaaly difficult to believe all of this. Suddenly she saw Emilie holding Harry’s neck with her hands. Harry couldn’t do anything. He just turned away his face from the bitch. But what happened next was Emilie broke Harry’s neck. She grabbed Harry’s head until it was detached from Harry’s body. There was no blood. Yes because vampire had no blood, they just looked for blood to drink. Luna just saw Harry’s stiff body without a head. Meanwhile, his head was flattered by Emilie. She laughed with a giggle voice and kissed the lips.
‘’ Yes, this St. Hall Santiago apartment was builded a long time ago. About 40 years ago, Harry lived here with me. Her Mom was also a vampire had been murdured with the same way like Emilie killed Harry last night. Many of beautiful girls were lived here. Harry fell in love with some of them and made a relationship. But they hurt Harry. They had affairs, until Harry was determined to kill them, sucked their blood. Since that time, Harry always looked for the best girl who could make him felt happy. But he still hadn’t found a girl like that yet until he had been killed last night. He was a nice boy. What would the girls points to hurt her? He had learned not to suck humans’ blood. Because of that, every night he always hunted animals’ blood in the forest. But when there were some people disturbing his life, he would kill them and suck their blood. Vampires can live in eternality. They can’t be killed except with a way to break their neck. Do you know? Maybe at the night when he killed Emilie, he didn’t deliberate to spread his vampire’s poison to Emilie’s body. That thing has created a trouble. Yes, Emilie is living as a new vampire!’’ the old man as the owner of the apartment explained in detail. Surprisingly, he was Harry’s dad. Yes, he was also a vampire.   
I just realized something. The reality that during this time Harry always kept away from other people was because he felt different from others. Yes, he was a vampire. He was so cold, so people were afraid of him. Maybe the people had known about the St. Hall Santiago. And I was really regretted after I had known that Emilie was a bitch girl whom I had ever met.
‘’If Emilie lives as a new vampire, does that thing can make a trouble? I mean, she’s still new. Does she only suck animals’ blood? You know, she hasn’t learnt for that thing yet. I’m afraid that she’s will going attack many of humans!’’ I said with a worried tone.
‘’ Ya, that must be happen!’’ said Harry’s dad.
 ‘’Ww..What did you mean? Emilie will attack people?’’ I asked with shocked eyes.
‘’Ya, so, before she do something more far, I will try to look for her and kill her!’’ said Harry’s dad with a sure voice.
   That night, Harry’s dad who was capable to hold his desire not to attack humans was hunting animals in a forest. I just could see his attitude. Because he felt enjoyed to hunt, it seemed like he had forgetten that he was together with me at the forest. He left me alone to chase his prey. Suddenly, someone grabbed my right soulder from behind. I was really shocked seeing her face. It was Emilie..Her pale face with the red eyes were staring me.
‘’ How’re you friend?’’ she asked and approached me. Aku hanya menjawab dengan gugup: ‘’I..i..i’m fine!’’ I answered with a panickly voice.
I was afarai of her. I knew she was still a new vampire, so it meant..She would attack me.. Oh my God…
‘’ Don’t be that afraid. C’ mon, I will change you to be a vampire, because you’re  my best friend. I wanna do everything with you!’’ she said and smiled cynically.
 ‘’Your best friend? We were never friends and you were never became my friend. You lied to me. You said Harry always hurt you. In fact, he hurt you because of the clear reason. You had some affairs with other boys, Emilie. Don’t you realize it? During this time I always hated Harry, but I was wrong. You have made everything becomes useless, biatch!’’ I screamed.
 ‘’Hey, just calm down. I knew I was wrong. But now, it will not turn back, everything has happened!’’ she said and approached me. I was afraid that she would do something to me. Suddenly…
 ‘’AAArgggggh!’’ I screamed in a pain because Emilie sticked her fand, exactly on my neck. I felt like I was insected by electric with high pressure. I felt my heart was exploded and my arteri were in fluctuation. It was so hurt. Finally…
It was weird. I felt really thirsty. Emilie approached me, smiled and said:
‘’ How are you feeling? You feel thirsty, right? Let’s go hunting! ‘’ she invited me and grabbed my hand.
I just could follow her, because I was really thirsty for blood. As a new vampire, it was not impossible if I attacked humans.



                                                      We Were Never Friends
                                                 (By: Afifah Amani)

         Suddenly, the lamp in the bathroom was turned off. Elena was very afraid of the dark. He thought there would be someone heard her, so she shouted.
'' Turn the light on, please!''.
But no sound except the sound of water from the bathroom. Immediately, Elena wore the towel to check just in case something goes wrong.
 Suddenly he heard the sound of footsteps and the lamp was turned back on. Then Elena felt someone was pulling her hair roughly. Elena screamed with pain. But the stranger who was wearing a black robe kept pulling her hair and dropping Elena.

'' You stay away from Leah, if you don’t want to do that, you will die! You tell anyone about this and I'll kill you!'' said the stranger behind her black headcover.
Her face was not visible. One minute later Elena was really excruciating. The stranger forced appealing belly ring on her stomach until it bleeding. Elena screamed in agony. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!



          Savannah had never regretted her departure from home. She would miss Phoenix. She would miss warmth. She would miss affection, indecision, and her parents. Her parents would like to make a travel to Malibu beach, California. And that thing made Savannah felt that she was eliminated, because she had to move to apartment, even moved to another town. But it seemed like Savannah, indeed, was always ‘’eliminated’’. Savannah was always ‘’eliminated’’ from life, because people always avoid her. Yes, since Savannah lived in Phoenix, she only wanted to have a close friend that always accompany her, wherever she goes. Even Savannah wanted friend who always accompany her in bedtime. Savannah knew it was impossible, because her friends in Phoenix already had their own homes and bedroom. Whatever, it seemed like she wanted to obviate people at will and her blood becomes ‘’hot’’ to do something dangerous. Her parents didn’t feel something weird in Savannah’s soul.
          Near to Washington D.C, there was a town named Forks that always covered by clouds and rain, and it looks like a terrible town, because there were so many big trees. Population is only 3.110 people. This was a place where Savannah got to move. During her trip to go there, Savannah was listening music. From that distance, Savannah could observe minimalist houses in Forks. Yes, she loved the condition. There were some flowers and oak trees on the yard. However, there were some houses seemed like slipshod. Consequently, the houses looked like creep from outside. However, somehow Savannah really loved condition like that.
         That day was Leah’s first day as a new student of Forks University. Leah was an 18 years old girl, so a girl like her being considered as an adult and she could do anything she wanted.  Even last night, her parents allowed Leah to choose an apartment. The apartment that had been chosen by Leah is very simple, but it had furniture completely. Leah was acquainted with her roommate. She was also an 18 years old girl, and they were in the same University. Name of her roommate was Savannah. A unique name and it was so classy. She had moved from Phoenix and lived in the apartment. Leah smiled, but then she was feeling something weird when she grasped Savannah’s hand, because that roommate staring sharply on Leah’s eyes.
That evening Leah was acquainted with other new friends. They were Elena and Clara. Yes, they lived in the same apartement, room 20. After they had been a week in the apartement, Savannah found a handsome boy who has blue eyes, Kevin Guillard. He’s a drummer of a campus band and also a student in Forks University. Both of them fell in love since they met for the first time and they felt comfortable when they were together. Kevin had no idea why does he was interested in Leah. With heart and soul, Kevin approached Leah. They stared each other. Kevin pasted his lips on Leah’s lips. Then Leah welcomed that kissing with a pleasure. They enjoyed that kissing in 5 minutes.

     Street around the campus was very quiet. Small birds flied away and perched on branch of an Oak tree which its leaves scalled off. The branch was covered by snowflakes. Actually, Leah didn’t really like winter. Because she always felt chilled, besides she almost couln’t do anything at the time.
Leah and Savannah were walking together. Suddenly, Leah’s mobile phone tinkled and soon she answered that calling.  She heard a boy voice. Yes, it was a boy who had ever being her boyfriend. They have a long conversation with intimate words until Savannah felt eliminated.
‘’ Who is that?? Savannah asked to Leah with sharp eyes after Leah had finished the conversation on the phone.
Immadietely, Leah was shocked when she saw Savannah’s expression on her face.
‘’ He’s my ex boyfriend!’’ she said.
‘’Your ex boyfriend?’’ asked Savannah with angry intonation all at once disappointed.
One more time, Leah felt shocked with Savannah’s intonation. What’s happening with her? Why does she looks angry?’’ Leah asked herself.
‘’Yeah, I think i do. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one person in the world! But he becomes my friend!’’, Leah smiled..
‘’ But, you are in college now. A girl’s gotta move on!
         Since Savannah became Leah’s roommate, first Leah didn’t feel something weird with her attitude. But day after day, Leah felt something weird. She thought Savannah kept a secret about something. Leah started to realize that Savannah, indeed, a weird girl. Once, Savannah said that she wanted to share everything with Leah included clothes, shoes and others. For the first time, Leah agreed with her because she thought as a roommate, she had to share everything. Begin when Savannah wanted to see something on Leah’s bed. Savannah found a picture of a unique cloth model. Savannah admired that picture.
But when Leah asked her about her book, Savannah just answered ‘’ It’s nothing personal. It’s just my process! I wouldn’t want you to look unless it was perfect!’’.
         In the daylight, Leah asked permittion from Sir Nicholas, a lecturer of Debating Class. She wanted to take his class. Leah interested in the class of debating which is taught by Sir Nicholas.
‘’I’m sorry, class is full!,’’said Sir Nicholas..
Immadietely Leah turned away and opened the door when Sir Nicholas called her back. Finally, he gave a permittion so that Leah could follow his class. ‘’ I think you can follow my class, because you have two interesting things. First, your style, then I think you’re clever!’’ said Sir Nicholas.
Leah was a bit confused. Why does Sir Ncholas accept her to follow his class? He only sees my style! I have no idea. What is clear is I want to take his class!’’ Leah said by herself.
One night, Elena invited Leah and Savannah to visit night club. But Savannah felt angry. Yes, she felt angry and didn’t want to go to the club. She felt angry because because Leah was together with Kevin, Elena, and Clara, although Savannah herself was a part of them. She only wanted to spent time with Leah, just Leah, without the disturbing from others. And if there was someone who wanted to disturb, he/ she would die.
‘’ Clubs aren’t really my thing.’’. Savannah said sharply in front Leah and Elena, she lied on her bed. So, Savannah went to the club olny with Elena.
Savannah didn’t feel pleasant if Leah came back late at night. So, that night she tried to call Leah, but Leah didn’t answer her calling.

          Leah’s handphone was ringing when she and Savannah visited a painting store. Savannah knew there was something happening. She was right, Leah’s ex boyfriend called her. Savannah felt angry and tried to replace Leah’s attention with inviting her to get out from that store.
Leah was wondered with her roommate’s attitude. What is happening with Savannah? Why she looks weird? Much questions appeared on Leah’s mind.
At the time Leah showed Savannah her tattoo on her left chest written Leah’s sister name who had died when Leah was eight. Victoria. That was the name on Leah’s left chest. Savannah didn’t want to stop staring the tattoo.
         That night, when Leah didn’t exist in her bedroom, casually Savannah saw a childhood’s Leah foto and her sister who had died, Victoria. Then she found a necklace next to the foto, and wore that. Five minutes later, Leah arrived in her room. She was holding a cat. Then Leah saw Savannah wearing that necklace. Yes, the necklace was her sister’s a long time ago. Why does Savannah wear that without my permission? Does she steal that?’’Leah asked herself.
 ‘’Is that my necklace?’’
Savannah immadietely released that necklace and heard Leah speaking in tears.
‘’It was my sister’s! You can borrow anything of mine except for this. Yes I know, we have promised to share everything, you can borrow anything, so do I, but not for this necklace!’’
‘’Sorry, I didn’t know. Were you close to her? ‘’ asked Savannah.
          In their bedroom, Leah and Elena shared each other about their experiences in their life. Savannah who was listening their conversation behind the door, felt unhappy with the presence of Elena. Elena had obtained everything.
That night, Savannah expressly invited Leah to go out. Leah agreed with her and asked Savannah to borrow her clothes and her jewelry, one of them was earrings.
Savannah didn’t really like wearing the earrings. But for the sake of get Leah’s attention, she willing to prick up her ear until the earrings were sticked on her ears. It was so hurt to irritate herself. She did that when Leah was waiting her in front of the apartement.
         At the midnight in St. Hall Santiago apartement, everything seemed quit. There were sounds‘’uhu uhu’’ from owls on an Oak tree near Elena’s window room. Elena was wake up. She was thirsty, so she walked to the kitchen to get some water. When she opened the door of her bedroom, she saw Savannah sitting in front of the door. Savannah stared at Elena sharply and fully reverenge like a murderer. Savannah stood up and immadietely left Elena who still in confusing. Elena was afraid of Savannah. Tomorrow morning at campus, Elena told about Savannah’s oddity. But Leah didn’t really believe in that thing, although Savannah sometimes she felt uncomfortable with Savannah. From the distance, Savannah stared Elena. Savannah was furious. Elena, you must be'' eliminated''. You're the one who should be eliminated, not me…
        One night, Elena felt cold, but she still had to shower because he could never sleep without a shower first. Elena enjoyed the water on her body in the bathroom. Elena needed refreshment after she had a busy day. Suddenly, the lamp in the bathroom was turned off. Elena was very afraid of the dark. He thought there would be someone heard her, so she shouted.
'' Turn the light on, please!''.
But no sound except the sound of water from the bathroom. Immediately, Elena wore the towel to check just in case something goes wrong. Suddenly he heard the sound of footsteps and the lamp was turned back on. Then Elena felt someone was pulling her hair roughly. Elena screamed with pain. But the stranger who was wearing a black robe kept pulling her hair and dropping Elena.
'' You stay away from Leah, if you don’t want to do that, you will die! You tell anyone about this and I'll kill you!'' said the stranger behind her black headcover. Her face was not visible. One minute later Elena was really excruciating. The stranger forced appealing belly ring on her stomach until it bleeding. Elena screamed in agony. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!

         Savannah felt really anxious and worried about Leah. Leah was with whom? Kevin? Or hes ex?. Savannah wanted to scream at full speed. Suddenly, there was a sound of the phone ringing. Yes, Leah accidentally left his cell phone under the pillow. Savannah immediately grabbed the phone and was very upset when she read the name of a person listed in the phone screen Leah. Yes, it was Louis, Leah’s ex boyfriend who was contact Leah recently. Savannah pressed ‘’answer’’ button and put the phone to her right ear. She just heard:
''Hello Leah, it's me, Louis. Can we talk about us? Leah, can you hear me?’’.
With spontaneous, Savannah was still heard Louis speaking, then answered it with the sentence'' I miss you, I miss touching you. Do you miss touching me? Prove it!''.


The dead cat splattered with blood. There were puncture marks around the face and stomach. The wide eyes as if it indicated extraordinary suffering when someone was killed. That someone smiled  in satisfied for what she had done, and then put the cat into the plastic and throw it in the trash.
Someone else saw the offense. Elena….
When Savannah had arrived, with a crying, Savannah said that Leah's cat was gone. Savannah said she took the cat to the laundry and it was in the basket, then it ran off. She went after it, but it lost. Leah was disappointed with Savannah’s. She did not know whether Savannah was lying or not.

 My sister died when I was 12! It was terrible! After we had gone to a zoo, she was hit by a truck until her body wrecked! You know, we used to celebrate Thanksgiving, but now I can’t celebrate it with her’’, Leah explained about her sister to Savannah.
‘’Oh I’m sorry to hear that. You know, we can celebrate the Thanksgiving with me!’’ Savannah said.
‘’Uhmm... sorry but Kevin is already asked me to celebrate it! But thank you for your asking,’’ said Leah.
Savannah somehow was disappointed with Leah answers. Yes, Leah would celebrate Thanksgiving with her boyfriend, not with her.
          In the afternoon Leah was crying in Savannah’s embrace. She recently told Savannah that her professor, Sir Nicholas, had kissed her suddenly as they discussed about task in the faculty room. It was shameful indeed, because Leah believed that the professor already had a wife.
With the feelings of anger, that afternoon Savannah also wanted to take revenge of what Sir Nicholas had done.
Tok tok tok ... Savannah knocked the faculty room. Sir Nicholas was very confused to see a woman he had never met came into his room.
Savannah teased the old professor. Sir Nicholas approached and kissed her lips. But Leah shouted suddenly.
 ‘’AAAAARRGGHH.. You bit me, you hurt me. Why did you do that? Ohhh, heeelllpppp, help me please. This man is going to rape me!’’
'' Hey, shut up. What the hell are you doing?'' asked Sir Nicholas. Then Savannah yelled back until she took a tape and showed that tape to the lecturer. It meaned, she recorded everything they had said. Before Sir Nicholas caught her, Savannah ran quickly intervening. Then she gave that recording to the Headmaster of her faculty in order Sir Nicholas would be discharged.
Tomorrow morning, Leah heard from her mates that Sir Nicholas had been discharged because he tried to rape a student. Leah felt happy when she heard about that, but she felt a bit confused. How could it possible that the old professor just fired just like that?    

          That night, with feelings of anger and upset premises incredible, Savannah really wanted to abandon Leah’s plan to celebrate Thanksgiving with her boyfriend, Kevin. She was furious. She was really angry.
Why? Why did Leah must this to me? Am I not good enough to her?
She stared at the mirror in her room and stared her own angry face. Immediately, he hit her cheek so many times until her skin turned into blue. Also, hands and her feet turned into blue because of her own punch. Savannah repeatedly screamed in pain.
Finally, she had no idea of what thing drove her to do something more dangerous. She looked at a knife which was located above the table, and immediately grabbed it. Then ...

‘’Aaaaaaaarrrgghhhhh……..!!!!’’ Savannah screamed.
The knife was injured on Savannah’s abdomen, until it bleeding. She accidentally scraped the knife on her stomach. Savannah detained the pain and rolled around in bed and cried uncontrollably.
Let me be hurt like this. At least, tonight Leah will not celebrate Thanksgiving with her boyfriend, Kevin, because she will be concerned in my condition and spend the whole night with me.

When Leah arrived at the apartment, she suddenly heard Savannah was crying and tellin something to her.
   '' I was looking for your cat. But a man pulled me into an alley and he-
 Savannah’s words were interrupted by Leah’s words.
'' Ok. You should see a doctor and you need to call police. Oh thank God, your injury doesn’t too deep. Here I’m putting a bandage on it!'' said Leah and lined the gauze on Savannah’s stomach.
'' No.. I do not need those things!,'' argued Savannah.
'' You're calling or I am. You know, there is a psycho walking around!,'' Leah said firmly.
'' BUT DO NOT tell anybody, I'LL BE OKAY SOON, PLEASE!'' begged Savannah, cried  and grabbed Leah’s hands.

         It was a cold morning with snowflakes still covered the road. As if the overcast sky showed that it was also a creature who can felt sad. Leah and Kevin was walking along, holding hands in front of their campus. Leah felt cold. Jacket was not enough to warm her body. Kevin who saw Leah as it immediately gave his own jacket to Leah. Kevin was very fond of Leah. Kevin understanded, Leah could not celebrate Thanksgiving at her last night. Leah said something about Savannah injured. Leah actually did not want to disappoint Kevin. She grabbed Kevin's hand and put her lips on Kevin’s lips.

'' Oh shit! They are kissing in front of me!'' Savannah said softly as she approached Leah with her car.

Leah was shocked, because it had been a week Louis, her ex, never contacted her again. It was really weird when Louis stopped calling her. She was very disappointed.
That day, Leah promised Savannah to visit Savannah’s home. Savannah's father and mother were very friendly. However, Leah was surprised when Savannah's father said something.
'' It's nice to meet you, Leah. I'm sure Savannah likes you. Because she's never brought anyone home before!
'' Dad!'' said Savannah, glowered at her father, as if she did not want his father to say about it.
'' What?'' Savannah's father said and stared at Leah and turned his head to Leah’s mother.'' As a parent, you worry. You protect your daughter all her life and then she goes off to college! And she's on her own. And you never know who she'll be exposed to!''.
'' Daaaddd!'' said Savannah half-shouted.
Leah's father stopped talking. Her mother soon offered Leah to having a room for tonight. But Savannah immediately said:
'' No.. She'll stay with me!

     The next morning, with the feeling of uncertain, Leah and Savannah’s mother were chatted and waited Savannah dressed. That day, they would meet Leah’s high school friends.
‘’Is Savannah taking her medication?'' asked Savannah's Mom.
'' Medication? Sorry, what did you say?'' she asked again.
'' Well, you girls have a wonderful time!,'' said Savannah's mother suddenly when she saw Savannah approached them.
Savannah really wanted to ask many questions to Leah, but she was against it. All looked strange to her, Savannah attitude, and about '' medication'' that had been mentioned by Savannah's Mom.

 ‘’ Is everything okay? ‘’, asked Savannah to Leah.
Savannah just answered with a smile. Her smile looked like she was forced, a smile which was not sincerely from her heart.
They visited a bar and ordered two cups of coffee.
Suddenly some teenagers approached the bar. However, Savannah saw them whispering, staring away towards Leah and soon avoiding them to sit outside the bar.
Savannah saw one of the girls who had the same age as hers still staring fearfully toward Leah. Savannah saw the girl again and realized something.
The woman ... yes, she is a girl on the painting in Savannah room that she saw this morning. That means, Savannah must be knew her.

When Leah asked about it to Savannah, Leah's face turned pale and immediately asked Savannah to leave.
Savannah felt confused and followed Leah who immediately approached the teenagers.
'' Hi, Maria!,'' Savannah greet with a smile on her face.
Hi!,'' Said Maria ..
Leah was surprised with Maria’s expression. She looked like in a fear. Her face went pale and tense, with a forced smile.
Atmosphere seemed a bit awkward and the teenagers were not friendly at all. Leah had no idea of what thing had made them were feared. Leah was confused. She immediately took Savannah left the place. But suddenly…...
 ‘’ Savannah!!!! We were never friends!’’ said Maria half –shouted.
 Leah felt weird. She really wanted to know about Savannah and her problems that had happened to her in recent time. That afternoon, she thought she wanted to dismantle the secret of her roommate. Therefore, when Savannah was away, Leah immediately launched an action to inspect the goods of Leah in her case. Suddenly she discovered something. A bottle of capsules which had a writing '' Zyprexa'' and there was Leah’s underneath.
        That night, Savannah was in a refueling diesel. Incidentally, her car had ran out of gasoline. She immediately took the petrol filler pipe to fill the gas of her car. Suddenly, a man appeared with a look of thugs approached Savannah and held her hand.
'' Is there anything I can do, babe? Let's have a sex?'' Said the boy with a naughty smile.
Immediately, Savannah flushed the man's feet with the gas pipe.
'' Oops, I'm sorry!,'' Said Savannah.
'' It's okay babe! Let's do sex now!'' said the boy again.
But Savannah flushed the gasoline pipeline again to all over the boy’s body.
'' Oops, sorry again!'' Savannah said with a mysterious smile.
'' What the hell? You spoiled bitch!'' said the boy with an angry face and soon he approached Savannah.
But immediately, Savannah turned the flame from her matches and made him frightened and ran leaving Savannah.
          Zyprexa is used to treat the symtoms of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Savannah and Kevin read that sentence when they typed'''' Zyprexa in google search. Yes, Zyprexa was written on the bottle of capsule which had been found in the Savannah’s case by Leah.
Savannah was shocked by her findings.
Is that correct? Is Savannah is a psycho? Ah, the more I know the secret, the more it feels terrible.....
The day, Savannah wanted to have a tattoo. She had no idea why she wanted to have that, but what was clear was she could have the tattoo.
Leah actually felt weird with Savannah request to accompany her to make a tattoo on his body. But with a feeling of uncertainty, Leah had said yes.
While she was waiting in the waiting room to wait the process of making Savannah’s tattoo, she was looking at the pile of magazines on the table.
Suddenly ... Leah came out and immediately showed his new tattoo to Savannah.
Savannah saw the tattoo carefully and she jumped. She said in her heart.
How could this happen? Why Leah wants to have the same tattoo as mine? Similarly on the same position, on the left chest, with the words'' Victoria'', my sister’s who has died!
'' You know, you can think of me as your sister! You can call me Victoria if you want,'' said Savannah with her mysterious smile.
No. Not that easy. My sister would never be replaced by anyone. You're crazy, Leah, you're crazy! These actions are too excessive. You're really a psychopath.
Leah cried and ran leaving Savannah.
       Leah realized that her necklace was not there. She could not find the necklace. And she did not know where that thing was. She had no idea, what was clear was she wanted to move away from the apartment and stay away from Savannah. Stayed away and did not want to see her anymore. She immediately arranged her important items.
When Kevin asked about Savannah’s necklace to Leah, Leah just shook his head. Kevin was upset with Leah attitude like that. Somehow, he felt confident that Leah was the one who took the necklace.
Kevin advised Leah to contact the police, at least Leah's RA or dean's office about Savannah. But Leah did not want to do that, because she felt that Savannah didn’t violence her. However, she was afraid  if something happened to her and her close friends, included her own boyfriend, Kevin. Savannah’s own parents were afraid of her. Leah was prefered to stay away. Leah suddenly found something in the pile of stuff, a book with a brown cover. She believed it belongs to Savannah. She immediately opened the book. It was a drawing book with a painting of a girl. Yes, it was a painting herself, Leah. There were 20 pieces and all of them contained the same face, namely herself. However, there was always a thickening pencil on every face on every sheet.
Who put this book into my pile of stuff?
Kevin? Definitely not.

The streets were empty.
   The sky was dark. Snowflakes touched Leah’s hat.
She pressed the jacket she was wearing, but still, she shivered. It was not because of the wind, because that time she did not feel anything. It looked like her nerves were not working. She could not see, could not hear, could not speak, and could not feel anything unless a sense of disappointment and fear in her heart.
Savannah is really strange. She’s really weird. I'm sure, my necklace in her hands.

Leah suddenly saw someone walking through her. The stranger’s face was not visible, because she covered head with a hood, and she wore a black robe. Somehow, Leah felt uncomfortable when the person passed. Leah felt that person was staring at her.

Leah phone was ringing, but Leah did not hear it because she was in the bathroom. Besides, the phone was in the hands of her boyfriend, Kevin. Of course Kevin immediately rejected the calling. Louis, Leah’s ex boyfriend who had called her. Louis wanted to see her. Because of no answer, Louis immediately left a message saying that he was in front of Leah’s apartment. Louis did not know that Leah had moved out of that apartment.
Still in her room, Savannah scratched the sofa by a knife. She was in anger, raged, and disgusted.
Tok tok tok ...( the door was knocked by someone)
'' Leah, it's me, Louis! Open the door!’’ a voice of a boy staggering Savannah.
There was no answer, Louis immediately wrote something on a piece of paper.
I know you will not take my calls. But I'm here and I just want to see you. I'm at the Roswell Hotel, room 23. Please. Love Louis.
Immediately, Louis slipped the paper under the door and left the apartment.
Savannah immediately picked up and read it with feelings of anger. Suddenly, she got the idea to get rid of Louis.

       Louis was asleep in his room. Suddenly he felt something. A gentle kiss on his shoulder made him feel comfortable. Yes, a kissing by a girl he had ever loved, Leah.
Louis was happied that Leah was in his bed now. Semi-conscious, he saw a tattoo that read'''' Victoria on Leah’s left chest and a necklace around her neck. He was extremely recognized that tattoo.
'' Do not open your eyes!'' said Leah gently.
Hearing that, Louis was soon closed his eyes and felt the soft touch of Leah’s lips on his lips.
'' I love you so much!'' said Louis.
'' No.. She does not love you!''said a voice.
'' Aaarrgghhh....! ''Louis murmured softly, because he felt a tremendous pain on his abdomen. A knife had wounded his stomach and before running out of breath, he saw a girl’s face in front of him.  It was not Leah but she was a mysterious girl. However, he could not say anything, Louis felt his eyes become dark and felt great pain, until he closed his eyes and did not feel anything anymore. He died..
Savannah smiled with satisfaction of what he had done. Killing Louis was the only way to get Louis away from Leah forever. Her disguise was not in vain. Savannah willing to dye her hair like Leah’s, wore Leah’s necklaces, so Louis did not realize that the girl in front of him was not Leah.

Leah didn’t see Kevin in his room. But why did he call me and want me to meet him in his room? Leah asked herself.
She walked slowly. It’s so weird. There was no sound in his room and it’s too dark.
‘’Kevin, are you there?’’ asked Leah.
Suddenly she heard a boy screaming. Yes, that was Kevin on the bed. Kevin hands and feet were tied on the side of the bed.
Suddenly, she saw Savannah.
‘’What 're you doing here? Wanna help him? Haha, no you can not. Now he's mine and yes I was tying him'' said Savannah, then she put a revolver and threated Leah if Leah did anything to help Kevin.
Leah really did not know what to do at that time.
'' Listen to me. All I ever wanted was to be your friend!'' said Leah Savannah, stroking hair standing fears.
Leah did not know what else to do, so he just answered. '' Savannah, I'm your friend!''
'' No, you're not! We're here because you betrayed me! You know, I protected you from your lecturer, Sir Nicholas, yes he was discharged because of me , so that he will not disturb you anymore. Then I wanted you to forget your ex boyfriend, so I killed him too, so did your little cat. Then, Kevin, your boyfriend has made me fed up, so I have to kill him too! '' Savannah screamed loudly and cried.
What? She killed everyone?? Oh my God. I can not believe this. Oh no ... Louis ... my cat, Sir Nicholas. Leah really felt outraged at what had been done by Savannah.
'' I'm really sorry Savannah to leaving you!'' said Leah.

 ‘’Yes I forgive you, so we can start all over again, like the first day we met, only you and i. It means I have to kill Kevin right now!’’ said Savannah as she approached Kevin who was still tied up.
'' No, you can not!'' begged Leah. But Savannah encouraged Leah until Leah fell down on the floor.
'' Oh sorry!'' said Savannah as she approached Leah. Leah was really felt sick of Savannah. Got a chance, Leah immediately seized the gun which was in the hands of Savannah and beaten Savannah’s cheek. Leah ran and tried to pull the rope that binds Kevin. However, Savannah immediately approached Leah and pulled her hair, as she dropped her. Leah felt hurt when her hair was pulled over backwards by Savannah. Savannah looked for her gun. Didn’t find in the room, Savannah looked it outside the room. Deftly, Leah locked the door from inside, so she could remove the straps from Kevin.
Savannah banged the door hardly.
'' No, Savannah! Please open the door! I just want to be your friend! PLEEEAAASEEE!!'' Savannah screamed and cried.
Leah realized that there was no way out then except Kevin’s bedroom window.
And the room was on the 3rd floor. Oh my God, it’s so high. How do I have to jump?
BRRAAAKK!'' Kevin door was opened and Savannah immediately put the gun in the direction of Kevin. Savannah had no time to shoot Kevin, because someone held him from behind. Elena. Yes, Elena grabbed the gun and dropped Savannah, hold her hand. With a feeling of anger and upset, Elena punched Savannah’s face. Unfortunately Savannah was quicker and she promptly punched back to Elena's face. Elena fell down and was unconscious.
The gun was in the hands of Leah at the time.
'' I will shoot you, bitch!'' Leah said to Savannah.
When Leah pulled the lever of the gun, it didn’t work. Leah was really confused. She was afraid and trembling. Savannah, who was standing immediately attacked Leah back and strangled her neck.
Leah really could not breathe. Her hands were busy looking for something that might be able to stop the terrible actions of Savannah. Suddenly she found a broken glass and promptly stucked it on Savannah’s chest.
'' WE NEVER WERE FRIENDS, SAVANNAH!'' said Leah when Savannah hand grip on her neck became lax. Instantly, Savannah fell and was unconscious.
Leah immediately took her own necklace that was in Savannah neck.
She was relieved. Savannah had died. She lied on the floor with the eyes were opened and stared at Leah.
Elena woke up again and soon joined with Kevin and Leah.

         The next morning, Leah immediately moved back into his old apartment. The difference was she didn’t want to have a roommate. No, Leah did not want to. She was traumatized. She just wanted to occupy the room by herself without the interference of a psychopath. She would never has a roommate anymore. Never……..


The Terrible Haunting
(By: Dini Amaliasari)

       With a feeling of trembling, Alice repeated the sentence written on the paper. She read it three times, because she hoped that it was just a dream.

"If you don’t want come back with me, I will shatter your life from now on.’’

      That's the sound of the writing on the paper. Alice found it in her school bag. She wondered who wrote it, Alice really did not know. Then, she remembered John. Much memories that they went through, but Alice could not survive with that relationship. John, the evil boy who had ever as her boyfriend, would probably destroy her life.


      This short story tells about a depression boy because of his own attitude which is give bad effect to his girlfriend when they were in a relationship. So many things they shouldn’t did when they were in the relationship, but they did it. Actually a long relationship is not always end with a happiness wedding. The remorse which is always come in the end of life makes a girl want to improve her life in the past and makes her want to do the best thing for someone whom she loves without doing some negative things like before.

Liverpool, 1985.

        Once, there was an unpretentious family, called Wellington family. They were a father (45th), a mother (40th) with a daughter (18th) and a son (12th), lived in a small house. They always felt happy although they lived in an unpretentious. The father called Richard. He worked as a laborer of building and a sheriff in where they lived. Bella, the mother, was a food vendor. Bella paid 3 workers to help her every day, they were brothers. The daughter of Bella was Alice, an accounting student at St. Rossell Hall, same as the high school level. Bella's son, Ray, was in elementary school at the third class. The two children of Bella were always helped her when they came back from school. Usually, Alice always washed dishes and helped her Mom to serve some foods that will be sold, while Ray always gave some drinks to every buyer.
Although the families were in unpretentious, the parents could obey and gave everything to their children for positive things. "I do not want to see my children in Suffering, I will give anything and I will try as I can, I'm willing if I, myself, in suffering for their happiness in the future" That was a sentence which was always said by herself time after time, almost every day.

One day, Alice went to school by her new car bought by her parents. Alice had a friend, Stacey. They're always together since they first met two years ago.  Because she did not want to go by herself, Alice texted to her friend:  "are you still at home, Stacey? If you are, I'll take you!’’
"Yes I have a breakfast at home now! Well, I'm waiting for you. "Amelia replied Alice's message with an expression of confused, because Alice had never took her before.
5 minute later, Alice had arrived at Stacey’s house.
“Please back home early, don’t go anywhere!” Stacey’s mom said, waving his hand.
When they were on the way to school, Stacey asked Alice about her new car. Alice said it was her parents' gift.
Alice was known as a clever student, smart, kind, and rarely talked too much.  Stacey was a little different from Alice. She was cool, didn’t too smart, and liked to annoying her friends.  Alice was a shy person. Stacey had ever asked Alice to follow the dance extracurricular, but Alice refused with the excuse "I do not want that thing, I'm not like you. I have a black skin, I, fat, and I'm not beautiful!'' said Alice when Stacey asked her about that.
Actually, Alice did not even know that she had an exotic skin, nice face, and she had a tall body and very sexy. In the school, Alice had no boyfriend like other friends. Because she was ashamed and didn’t confident with her condition.

         Alice actually had a lot of acquaintances, but somehow none of them became her boyfriend. Stacey finally stepped up to find a good boy for her. Alice, with a pleasure accepted the offer. But she did not really want a boyfriend.
 Until one day, when Alice and Stacey was visiting their friends’ house, suddenly there was a friend who asked "Whom you met Alice last night? Your boyfriend? " asked Alice's classmates with their tease smile. Stacey felt a bit confused, because she did not understand what they had asked to Alice. But Alice did not answer them.
“He’s just my friend.” answered Alice with a shy smile on her face.
“Are you sure?” Ask classmates again.
Stacey felt dejected to Alice. Why she didn’t tell me? ‘’ Stacey asked by herself.
"He's John, I just known him since one week ago and last night, yes, I was with him. He's so rich. Stacey I'm sorry, I did not want to tell you because sometimes I'm being shy!'' Alice explained everything.
John said he had graduated from senior high school, and Alice said she was only utilizing his goodness and richness because he always gave Alice something, even Alice did not ask him. She did not really love him because he was not Alice's type.
"But you have to be careful, I'm afraid he will ask reward from you, because he has given everything for you!" Stacey advised Alice.
"Yes, I understand what you mean, Stacey, I can take care of myself." answered Alice and laughed. Actually she did not really pay attention of what Stacey had said.
I could get everything from him, he's so rich. Although my parents will not give permission to our relationship, I will always with him until I get everything. Alice always said that sentence on her mind.
 After Alice had known John, her behavior and attitude changed completely. Not only with her friends, but she really changed her attitude to her parents.
She had no idea why did she was very dependent with John, and it seemed that boy had influenced her.
‘’ It’s weird, I'm not too familiar with him, even I do not know if he is in college or not. Clearly, I just know that he works at a farm, but why do i can feel this close with him?'' Alice asked herself.
 Alice did not pay attention of her parents' saying. She always came back home late at night, because she spent her day with John who had already became her boyfriend. She got away from her friends and her best friend, Stacey, because she rarely had enough time to hang out with them. Her life only spent with her boyfriend.
Every day, John always took Alice after Alice had finished her study. He took Alice by Alice own car. It is weird. John said he was rich but he actually brought Alice's car.
Every day, Alice always took John before she had gone to the school. Then, she brought John to the ranch where he worked and her car borrowed by John. Until one day, John had not taken Alice yet. Alice felt dejected because she waited too long. After John had arrived to Alice 'school, soon Alice got angry with him.
'' Where have you been? You do not reply my message!'' asked Alice.
'' Hey, I was busy at the farm, stupid!'' John lied to her.
"Oh I'm sorry, I just feel dejected because I was waiting too long!" Alice said with an unsure voice.
John smiled by himself. How stupid you are, girl….
Actually, Alice felt weird at that time. She observed John. She thought John changed completely, he was arrogant, ignorant, dirty, and also he had no responsibility with his fault. ‘’I know that he changed completely. But why do I always follow his orders? Why do I always hear what he said? I know that he's too cruel to me! I always wait him in the farm until late''. Alice asked herself.

She told everything to Stacey, her best friend. Yes, she wanted to break with John. Alice had ever saw John's mobile phone and she read some messages from another girl. First she thought that the girl was just John's friend. But Alice did not sure about it until she asked John to break in three times. But John always said'' I love you. I promise that I will not make you hurt anymore!’’.
Stacey said that sentence was bullshit.


The house was quiet. Both parents of John were not at home. That night, John was with a girl.
John felt comfortable with the atmosphere like this. It meant, he could do anything with her without the disturbing from anyone.
For a moment, his mind was drifted. He thought of Alice, an innocent pretty girl. I'm sorry Alice! I have to do this to you!

‘’ YOU WILL GET THREATEN IF YOU WANT TO END OUR RELATIONSHIP!’’ said John to Alice on the telephone.
BRRAAAKKK!!!! Mobile phones in Alice’s right hand fell to the floor.
Alice cried uncontrollably. What's wrong with me? Why is he so nasty to me? He's evil, but I still love him, but… this relationship must be ended ... it must... but I cannot.. Oh God, help me please!!!

          Sunday afternoon. The autumn wind blew freshly. Alice looked at the palm tree on her front yard with a lazy eye. Not because of fatigue, it's just that the day she was ready to tell John everything, a boy who had been secretly having an affair, always hurt and yelled her.
'' I do not want to know. But we have to break right now! You know, you always hurt me and lie to me!'' screamed Alice to John when John arrived at her home.
'' No.. I do not want to! Why would we break?’’
"I have no idea. The more important thing is I want to end this relationship clearly! Enough and please get out of my house. I do not want to see you anymore. Just die, hey useless boy!" Alice screamed to John.
John, who was still staring at Alice's blue eyes could not say anything. But his gray eyes as if said that Alice should not end their relationship for granted, because Alice would get consequence.
       The leaves of the palm trees in front of Alice’s house were falling as if they knew what happened in Alice’s heart. Yes, Alice felt a piece of her heart had died after she was broke up from John. Somehow, she still loved John, but she must be willing to broke up with him. John, a handsome man but he was very cruel. She cried and screamed loudly.
‘’AAAArrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!! Just die John. Do not disturb me anymore.!!!!!!!’’
Small birds perched on a palm tree were shocked with Alice’s screaming. They immediately flew away, leaving Alice yard. Let them go. I just want to be alone at this time. Alice said by herself.
        Trembling, Alice repeated the sentence written on the paper. She read it three times, because she hoped that it was just a dream.

"If you don’t want come back with me, I will shatter your life from now on.’’

      That's the sound of the writing on the paper. Alice found it in her school bag. She wondered who wrote it, Alice really did not know. Then, she remembered John. Much memories that they went through, but Alice could not survive with that relationship. John, the evil boy who had ever as her boyfriend, would probably destroy her life.


        Every day, threats always haunted Alice but she did not pay attention of them. Because Alice did not do anything about those threatens, tens of paper went into her bag every day. Alice did not even know how the writer put those things in her bag, because she always kept it wherever she goes.
Until one day, Alice found a paper in front of her class door. It had a sentence which was written by a red pen. It sounded: "Your friend, Alice Wellington, is not a virgin anymore and she had ever done abortion during our relationship''.
The message on the paper didn’t only be found in front of the class. When Alice surrounded every corner of the school, she found a lot of paper with the same sentence as before.
The people at the school were whispering when Alice passed them. Alice almost cried, but she should be able to hold at this time.
She remembered John. Alice was sure that John was the one who did it all. And of course, Alice was still kept her virginity. In fact she would not abort her child if she had a child. John, why are you so mean to me? During our relationship, I'm always doing you a favor. You're the one who always hurt me.
She really could not stand.
'' Hey, is that true? You're not a virgin anymore? Let's do sex now! Call me if you want, sexy!'' said a boy to Alice.
Alice looked at him with eyes full of hatred. And half crying, she ran from the school.
She really loved to repeat the life, where she would never knew a boy named John.
She ran through the pouring rain. She did not feel tired at all. She did not care. She just wanted to get away from this reality. Instantly she stopped and screamed among the heavy rain.
AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!''. There would be no one who heard it.


'' What the hell?'' Alice screamed when she read that sentence on her laptop. The same sentence which had outbid her.
She opened her email group and other social networks, the sentence was everywhere.
Alice fell out of his chair and stared at the writing on her laptop with lazy eyes. She cried and did not know what to do any more. All already happened. She must bear the shame in front of everyone. People who had read it would surely call her as a bitch.
Oh God, You’re the only one who can help me. Currently, there is nothing I need, except your help.
She tried to explain everything to her friends directly or indirectly. Many of them had asked her who wrote the article and what the motive was. Alice explained that the author name was John, who did not accept that she ended the relationship, so he wrote something that could make Alice embarrassment.
 Alice initially only told her mother about what had happened between her and John. However, for clarity's sake, she told everything to her friends. She told that she and John had a relationship in two years.
First, their relationship was fine. Everything seemed wonderful, as if only both of them were life in this world. John was respected Alice and her family, and John always gave his money to help Alice's family. But the more they kept the relationship, the more John changed completely. Alice got violent from John. John always hit, slapped, and pinched her until her skin became bruise. If Alice wanted to fight him, John would beat him repeatedly. Even John did not hesitate to beat her in front of his own friends, although for several times John had been admonished by his friends.
'' You do not have to do that to your girlfriend. How poor she is, you know! You do not want to end your relationship, but you always hurt her, man!'' that's the advice from John's friends.
Actually John knew what he had done. It was wrong attitude. But he just answered them ‘’ ‘’It’s none of your business guys. It’s my life!’’ then he just walked away.

Additionally Alice also told that John’s parents were divorced and he lived with his grandmother. He also only graduated from junior high school (she just knew about that), because when he wanted to continue his study to a high school, his parents did not want to pay his cost because he was in drug addict at the time. Currently he only worked as a laborer at a farm. Alice suggested John to find a better job but he did not want to and only relied on his parents’ richness. John always asked money from his parents.

"He terrors me Mom!" said Alice.
"What did you mean?" asked her mother.
"John terrors me with his threatens and he also spreads wrong rumors to my friends and our family." answer Alice.
"How could he threat you?" asked her mother with curiosity.
"He told me if I did not want to go back to him he would destroy my life by way of humiliating me to everyone, so that my family would feel embarrassed."  Alice said.
For the first time, Alice’s mother was really upset to hear all that Alice’s explaining because Alice was harassed by John. His mother was not received the fact. Since that time Alice was forbidden to leave the house except to go to college because her mother was afraid there was something unpleasant happen to Alice. Her mother only gave some advices to Alice that she must not be afraid if the gossip was not true, and assumed that John’s threatens as a useless junk.
In addition to telling her mother, Alice also told Stacey about the same thing. Stacey was really annoyed with. Stacey assumed that John loved to do that because he wanted to get Alice.

        Day after day had passed by Alice, the continuously threatens were still coming into her life. In the morning, daylight, afternoon, and evening, they always came. They made Alice felt sad and embarrassed to all people so she did not want to go to college. She did not know what to do, she could only surrender. Alice often stood in her room, cried and regretted that she had ever known a boy like John who could only destroy and humiliate her. Alice didn’t want to get out from her room, even played with her best friend, Stacey, because she was ashamed. Initially Alice tried to ignore what John had done but she still thought about that and she got depressed. Her mother was very sad to see her daughter who was very quiet, always moody and sometimes Alice cried and got angry by herself. She threw everything she got from John.
     Bad attitude of John was always imagined by Alice. Day by day, Alice changed into skinny because she felt distress. Her mother was afraid something bad happened to her, until one day her mother took her to psychiatrist and when she was checked by the psychiatrist, she severely depressed. Alice’ family was very sad to hear about it. Finally her mother made a prohibition Alice using a cell phone so if John threatening her, she would not know and didn’t think about it anymore.
One day when Alice felt so depressed, the only one thing on her mind was John, just John.. She had no idea what to do, until….
She saw a broad bladed knife in her room. She took it and immadietely she hurt that thing on her right hand.
       When her mother saw her, soon she was brought to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, her blood always flew out from her skin until she was lack of blood and she looked pale.
‘’Mom, I’m so sorry. I have made our family feel ashamed with things happened!’’ said Alice with a lazy eyes and she cried.
“It’s ok darling, I’ve already forgive you, please hold on! We almost there!‘’ her Mom said and also cried.
Alice didn’t hear what her Mom had said. Something that she could feel is only darkness. She felt like she didn’t really exist in this real world. She felt like she fly away and it felt like she didn’t have problems. She felt so peace, and quiet. Then she didn’t feel anything.
“"Sorry your daughter's life cannot be saved because she has spent a lot of blood!’’ said the doctor, shoed his remorse face. When Alice’s Mo, soon she cried and went straight to the emergency room to ensure it was incorrect, because she didn’t believe. When Alice’s Mom entered the room, she was unable to see her daughter who was lying stiffly.
 “Do you feel satisfied with everything you have done?” asked Stacey to John at the campus tomorrow morning.
“What did you mean?” screamed John.
“She’s death. Alice is gone. It is because of your manner, BASTARD!’’ Stacey also screamed at him.
“What?” asked John with a shock expression on his face.
“Yes, she killed herself!’’ said Stacey with a flat intonation.
John didn’t think that Alice would do that. She killed herself?. No, no…I didn’t think she would do the terrible thing.
Soon he went to Alice’s house. He saw Alice’s mother wearing a black dress.
John was afraid to meet Alice’s mother, so he was just hidden himself behind the Oak tree in front of Alice’s house.
He just sat down and had no idea what to do. He felt regretted oh what he had done. But it had happened, so he didn’t know what to do. He killed an ant on the surface of the Oak tree and he cried. He didn’t able to have this responsibility.
Soon he saw Alice’s Mom, Stacey and some friends with some people in black clothing walked on the street in front of Alice’s house. He followed them. He thought that they’re must be visiting Alice’s grave.
Arrived at the funeral old, John just observed Alice’s grave from the distance because he was afraid that the people would attract him. He knew that it was like he was a coward boy, because he couldn’t face and hold this responsibility. But it had happened. So what should he says?
After the people had left the old funeral, he approached Alice’s funeral which was covered by some flowers and some utterance cards by people who were sad about her death.
Soon John cried loudly and screamed above the funeral.
‘’I’m so sorry Alice, I really love you. I want you to came back with me now, PLEEAASEE!!!’’ said John with a husky of voice. He kissed the gravestone again and again.
          When the daylight was over, John came back to his house with a feeling of guilty. He didn’t want to do something and didn’t feel excited to do everything. Things looked like empty, unsolved, and pale. He didn’t want to eat. All he had ever wanted was to meet Alice again and turn back the time so he could give his love and kept her with full hearted.
He just cried and stared their memories on photos.
         That night, wind blew through John’s window bedroom. John felt so cold and he wore his jacket. He felt like he was the only one in the world.
Suddenly he saw something on the mirror. There was a shadow of a beautiful girl appeared on the surface of the mirror. The shadow was crying and staring at John.
John thought it was Alice’s shadow. He felt afraid and so terrible. He cried.
He said something to the shadow.
‘’Alice, is that you?’’.
But there was no answer until that shadow lost. John cried after the shadow had gone. He was sure that it was Alice’s shadow.
Every day he always saw the shadow on the mirror. Alice’s shadow always haunted him. Day by day he felt terrible and afraid of that shadow as if the shadow calling his name from the distance. For the first time he really wanted to say something to the shadow, but now it seemed different. He was afraid because that shadow terrors his life almost every day. John felt like Alice existing in his mind, even he didn’t forget Alice just 1 second. All his time was filled by Alice’s shadow. He was really sick of that. He really wanted to forget everything or if he could change his mind.

        One cold night, when everyone at John’s house was not there, John fell asleep on his bed. He had a dream……..
 ‘’John.. Now you have the same feeling like mine when you were haunted me a long time ago! You have destroyed my life, so I will destroy your life!’’ said a girl voice.
John suddenly opened his eyes. He was shocked. Why she didn’t stop to haunt me?’’ asked John by himself.
       Tomorrow night, John felt like he heard an order to make a responsibility for his manner to Alice. John felt like he had to do something, something that could hurt himself. From that day, he changed completely. He hated himself. Even sometimes he pushed his own stomach and slapped his cheeks until they changed into bruised. He had ever tried to kill himself by scratched a knife to his hands. But it never happened because his grandmother always tried to hold him.
Day after day, John remembered his manner in the past. How cruel he was. Every day he couldn’t sleep as well. And felt so restless. Felt like he was haunted continuously, he couldn’t stand with all of this so his body was getting weak and skinny because he didn’t want to eat. Until one day, he was brought to the hospitals by his grandmother. But sadly, his disease wouldn’t go into well, but it was getting bad. During his treatment at the hospitals, John didn’t want to get his medicine and eat. Even when he was forced by the doctor and some nurses, he kept reject them.
He looked like a boy who was rage violently. He dropped the medicines and foods which were on the table next to him.
PRRAAAAANNGGGG!!!!!!!!! Sounds of medicine bottles and some food’s plates immadietely were scattered around the floor. The doctor, nurses, and his grandfather had no idea with his manner.
        The cold and dark night, blast of wind was through his bedroom’s window. John saw Alice’s shadow as usual. But now it was so different, because he saw that shadow didn’t exist on the surface of mirror, but it was through his bedroom’s window. He saw Alice’s soul. Yes Alice’s soul was approaching his bed edges. Immadietely, he saw Alice’s soul was holding a broad- bladed knife. John was very afraid. He grasped his own bed edges. Cold perspiration was flew on his neck and forehead.
‘’Tonight your life will be end, John!’’ said the soul and pointed the broad- bladed to John’s face.
Immadietely, John had no idea what to do. He was really confused and tears flew onto his cheeks. When the broad- bladed was exacted on his chest, suddenly John grabbed that broad bladed from Alice’s soul.
He didn’t know why he did he do that, but what happened next was John stabbed himself by the broad- bladed knife on to his chest.
Aaaaarrrgggghhhh!!!!!!!!!!’’ he screamed.
It was very painful. That broad- bladed knife hurt his heart. Blood was scattered around his bed. For the last time, before he had closed his eyes, he saw Alice’s soul was smiling cynically as if her vengeance had been done. 


                                                             (By: Resti Hidayati)
           In fact I thought that there were a lot of errors occur in the reality of the world. Everything had become irrational, included me. It made me turn into mad because of difference between animal and human nature. I was in confident with my current situation. All my feelings, my confusion, my anger, they were all gone for me. Actually I learned from all this, that a man was no more than a lump of anger, passion, and emotion, nothing more!


  I'm a woman with beautiful black hair, brown skin, and eyes which are always admired by my husband. My husband and I are animal lovers. It has been nine years of our marriage, but still, we haven’t got a child yet. We are really missed the presence of a baby in our midst. We want our house will not quiet wide again. I am expected a baby crying as if only a mere wishful thinking to me. Yes, my age is getting older, have a little hope to be able to conceive. Therefore, my husband and I choose to keep a cat at home for a little treat, at least it can accompany me and my desire having a child. My life is very happy. My husband always accepts me. He loves me so much, even though he is not concerned about the baby that we have not been able to. My husband always makes me steadfast and patient. I love him because I see he is a very good man who makes me feel alive. Until that event happens…..

         One day, we got a very sweet cat. We got it off the street when we were exercising around the park. The weather was very sunny. My husband and I wanted to jog at the city park. The crowd was palpable in the park. My husband started to fatigue, he asked me to sit around the garden near the bushes. I suddenly heard the sound, it sounded like a cat. It turned out. There was a cat lying limp in the bushes near where we were sitting. At that time I asked my husband to bring the cat to our house and maintain it. My husband agreed, he was also very fond of animals like me.
We got home, and the cat finally had a new house. I immediately gave ’’her’’ food. She was very hungry.. My husband saw me and smiled, he said she was proud to have a good wife like me. My husband gave the name to our cat, we named her Pette. Pette was a very nice cat. She always accompanied me when I was alone at home because my husband went work. Every evening when my husband came home, my husband approached Pette. It seemed like she always welcomed the arrival of my husband. My husband and I were very pleased with Pette.
          The day was very hot, the wind blew. Luckily, my husband was on vacation at that time so he didn’t go to work. My husband and I pulled grasses. Our house park was not that big, but there were some shady trees that made our park became noticeably cool. On the left corner of the garden, there was a warehouse that we rarely touched. Small shed that looked worn. The door was made from wood already gnawed by termites. The door handles were made from iron began to rust. The Color door handles was not interesting anymore. In fact, I thought some people would be reluctant to hold it because it was rusty. For a moment I did not care what behind that door was, I was not interested at all to open it. But the door handle as if it called me to open it. It's hitting on me, as if there was something I needed to know there. I started holding the door handle. I felt the cold of the door handle. When I opened it, I was shocked. I saw Pette had four kittens in the old barn. Oh my God, I was so happy to see that, but for some reason I was a bit jealous of Pette. Why God still didn’t give me the same happiness? I also really wanted to have a child.
        My husband came up. He was surprised to see Pette had children. He's thrilled with the birth of Pette’s children. My husband said an expectation: " If we are given the same opportunity like that". For some reason, I was so hurt to hear my husband’s sentence. I felt like I was not a perfect woman. However, all women in the world wanted to have children. I felt sorry for my husband who missed the presence of a child.
Pette and I brought her children into our house. I made them small mattress from the fruit basket and a thick towel so that the children Pette didn’t feel cold. I felt my house became crowded with the five cats.

      One day, my husband was a bit upset with the arrival of kittens at our house. He changed completely. Sometimes kittens were always indiscriminately to defecation in our house. My husband did not like it. He became a bit grumpy if I was late to clean up the kittens’ defecation.
One day my husband took me to see his gynecologist. He still had an expectation that I could get pregnant. But I thought it was impossible in my age. But my husband insisted on taking me to check out and he wanted to know what the cause I couldn’t get pregnant was. Well, I had to obey what my husband said. Actually one thing that made me fear most was checking on myself to a gynecologist. I was afraid to know what would happen to me. On the other hand, I also wanted to know if I still had a chance to get pregnant or not. I really felt completely wrong.
My husband and I got a special antenatal clinic. My husband and I met with our regular obstetrician encountered. I began to be examined in a laboratory and waiting for results for a few days. And we had to take the lab results later.
       A few days later my husband and I took the results of the laboratory. I was scared to open a white envelope in my hands. I was really hoped nothing happens to me. When I opened the white envelope, I was really surprised. Test results showed that I was positive for toxoplasma virus. This disease would greatly interfere with pregnancy. Oh my God, it meant I couldn’t get pregnant?. I wanted to cry. I felt like a woman who was still not intact. My husband could only be silent. He did not say anything until we got home. I saw the disappointment on his face. I felt very guilty.
       I was so confused what to do. I felt very alone. Why did my husband didn’t want to accept this reality?.. Oh God, please do not let me alone to deal with all of this. Hopefully this incident did not make my husband really changed his attitude me.
Since obstetrician test results came out, the state of our house became very cold. My husband did not care for me anymore. He prefers to spending his time in front of the computer, doing his work and watching some porn videos to decrease his stress. Until now my husband almost never touched me. He was busy with work and always there out of house. He was just at home late at night and left again in the morning. I did not know what he had done outside. Every time I asked him, he always answered me with a high tone. He always said, "This is none of your business". He had several times brought a woman came into our house and didn’t care about my existence. Sometimes he hit me with sticks until I passed out, and then he locked me in the room. Oh God, why my husband changed to a very bad man? It was hurt. This really was not fair to me. I did not see another figure who loved me.
        Every day I was only accompanied by Pette and her children. I was not alone, because I was with them in my house. Actually our house was my parents’ legacy. So I thought, my husband did not deserve to do a mistake to me, because if it was not for my parents’ legacy, he would not be a successful person. It seemed like Pette understood my feelings. During that time only Pette who always accompanied me. I felt I did not need anyone else except my beloved cats.  
One night my husband came home. He was late as usual. He was really drunk. He kicked the door roughly. Suddenly I was shocked. Pette, who always approached my husband as usual, had been kicked by my husband and threw Pette. My husband also said something rude to me. For the first time he did it. I only could shut up then I said to him:  yes! I know this all is my fault. I have made this house changed into a state of chaos!’’.
 I cried, I could not blame on my husband about the change of his attitude at the moment. Never mind, I could only hope my husband would change as usual. I hoped his attitude was just in temporary. Hopefully this would be the last time he became rude to me.
My expectation was would change my husband's attitude just like for the first time we met. All this was seemed like a nightmare. Day after day I passed. Every day progressed, but my husband was still rough. Even one day he liked to hit me and grabbed my hair. My cat, Pette became scared of him. When my husband came home, Pette was always hided because she was feared that she would be kicked by my husband. The incident continued until I got sick and tired of being treated like this.
One night I was making a food for my husband, because if there was no food at home he would get angry and hit me again.
Actually I did not want to do this. Yes I didn’t want to serve someone who was always rude to me. I wanted to get out of the house and left it all. But I still thought of the legacy of my parents' house. If went out first, what about the fate of our banana tree and my house?. Anyway if I left the house, my husband would feel happy. He would be free to bring some bitches and had some sex in my house. I really felt disgusted with it.
       My husband had got home. As usual he was in drunk.  There was an aroma of alcohol from his body., I was  really disgusted to see the situation. In my eyes he had changed into someone else, he was not my husband anymore, he was just a temperament man who could not accept the reality. Somehow, at the day Pette was very weird, she suddenly approached my husband. Pette certainly would not get good treatment from my husband. But my husband kicked her again until the cat screamed. I was so upset with his treatment to my beloved cat. I started yelling at my husband. But he kicked me, said that I was a bitch. Instead he grabbed my hair, scolded and tortured me. I could not stand with his treatment to me. I immediately took a hammer near the table in the dining room and hit his head with that hammer until he was unconscious. I hated him! Really hated him! It seemed like a devil was possessed my mind because I wanted to revenge his actions. The man was unconscious. Fresh blood poured from his head. I immediately dragged him to the cellar. I locked him there and did not want to remove it. At that time I planned to keep him there in a few days so he could not hurt me anymore.
Some days my husband was captured inside the soil. He screamed as the pain continued. I'd rather leave him. Obviously I still loved my husband, but I also hated him. I would let him to feel his suffering in the basement. I was so glad he's over there. There would be no anarchism, blows and harsh words from him towards me. I just wanted to settle down with the cats in my house.
        Every day I saw the state of my husband in the basement. I always made sure he was fine there. I was so glad when I heard him screaming for release. Ah, I did not want him. Sometimes he shouted some harsh words in order to get my attention. I just laughed and enjoyed my game.
One time I was going to the supermarket to buy my daily needs. I met with my neighbors and some of my husband's co-workers. They asked me about my husband, I just smiled and said that my husband was out of town for several months and visited his mother who was in sick. They all believed of what I had said, and walked away. I went on my way to the supermarket. I had to go home because I was afraid someone would come to my house and suspected the presence of my husband.
When I got home, I immediately saved the food that I had bought into the refrigerator. I immediately checked my husband that I captured in the state. I opened the basement door. He looked limp and pale. I gave him a glass of milk and a bowl of cereal. This was the first time I explored the basement, it was so deep. The situation was really stuffy and smelly. The place was damp and poorly ventilated. But I was really happy because I knew that the state of the basement was bad, it meant my husband really felt tormented here and I could enjoy the game. Somehow this made me change my evil deeds. I was more concerned about the cats around my house rather than to the people passing around my house. Actually at the moment I felt really depressed. But I enjoyed my game, because I thought this was all I could do.
 I only had Pette and with her four children.
Within a few months my husband locked up in the cellar. There were so many relatives and neighbors asking where my husband was.  I did not want to leave the house. I did not want anyone would know that I did it to my husband. I soon met my husband in the basement. The situation had already alarmed. I did not want him die there. I tried to see him. He showed me the pitiful face. He told me that he wanted to be free and wanted to live a normal life as before. He promised that he would not hurt me anymore. I had collided with her argument. I had to consider a lot of things because he would report me to the police or repeat his actions to hurt me. And finally the decision was chained in our room. Fortunately, people came to my house. Finally I took him to the top. My husband was out. He looked weak, pale, because for months he never touched by sunlight. I immediately put him in our room which I had prepared completely.  However I could not let him go. I still hated him. It's just that my compassion led him to do this. I did not think the risk of what would happen to these actions. I thought I was crazy to begin.
          I was more talkative with Pette. I thought Pette understood my feelings at the time. I thought I was really crazy. I loved my Pette ang her children. Once I was so drunk, I understood why my husband loved the liquor. Sometimes I shouted and grumbled alone. Whatever I wanted, I did it to relieve myself. This condition really made me felt depressed, the further I enjoyed this game, I became increasingly bizarre.
My husband who was in a recovering situation made me dizzy, his scream made me felt scared if people would hear him and I would be suspected. Finally I went to my husband and told him to be quiet. He continued to grumble and say rude to me as of yore. I hated to hear those words, the words that he should not say to a woman.  I just beat his head so that he would faint and silent. He was unconscious when I closed his mouth so he would not make a noise anymore. But I didn’t think the risk later…

          The next morning I still did not hear his voice anymore. I wondered, Did he die because of my treatment? I immediately checked. Sure enough alone, there was nobody in there. Somehow the man went out of the room. Something reminded me. Last night when I walked into this room I forgot to leave the key at the desk near my husband’s body. Yes! Surely he was escaped! I had to find it. I did not know where he was. Suddenly I heard a noise from our back house. The voice was like the sound of Pette, my cat. I immediately ran towards the sound source. Oh my God, I saw Pette in her cage with blood everywhere. It seemed like someone had cut off her tail. I was really angry. I thought this definitely my husband’s treatment. He was so brash. I had to find him soon. But I had to take care of Pette first. I did not want my lovely cat became die because she was lost the blood. After I had taken care of Pette, I immediately looked for my husband.
"Hey baby! Where are you?’’ I screamed those words over and over. I immediately took the hammer I used to hit him. I knew that he was there. He was around me. But I had been looking to all over my house, I still did not find him. If I found him, I would hurt him like he hurt my beloved cat. I tried to look for him among the large closets in my room. He was not there. But I saw something horrible. I saw myself. I looked really different. My black bushy hair was getting thinner. This was all because of my husband who often grabbed my hair. I wanted to cry crazily. But my emotions still took me to find my husband, someone who had ruined my life.

When I looked for him at the attic, I heard the noise again. At the time, it was getting dark. I heard the noise from the basement. I immediately ran down. I did not know what kind of the noise was, but I was smelled something.. smoke...
 I quickened my pace. My bad feeling was my husband hurt my cats. The closer I was to the cellar, the more clearly I heard the groaning of cats.
I reached the door to the basement. The door was locked. I could not find the key anywhere. It looked like my husband brought this room keys together with him. I peered through the small window near the barn door. I saw something so terrible. Cats were burned alive. The cats were in an iron cage and I thought my husband had burned them in the cage. I could not open the door. I was urgently looking the tool box and immediately took a hammer to open the door. I hit the door handle to open. I immediately went inside and brought a bucket of water to extinguish the fire. When the fire was extinguished, my cat, Pette and her baby had already died. They died in tragic circumstances.
It seemed like before my husband burned them, he cut off their tails first. I was wondered why he wanted to hurt Pette. What was her fault? The man had actually turned into demons. I had to find him and he had to feel hurt like what he had done to my cats.
I immediately locked all doors, included the gate house in order that damn man could not go anywhere. I started looking for him again. I started combing the entire contents of the house from the front yard. I knew he was in this house.
 "Hey! You wanna play with me? Come here, I'll show my great game! You're going to love it dear!" I screamed. I was getting crazy. I had to find him anyway.
 After I had looked for him at the garden, I heard a voice in the back room near the cupboard in the living room. I was sure it was him, I immediately ran towards it with a hammer hand. I thought I wanted to hit him. Unfortunately he ran because he knew I was soon approached him. I went after him. I could see his face in terror.
 "Here honey, let's play! Ha ha ha ha! Come on man, you're the devil!" I approached him.
As I keep saying it until he was really scared. He ran and I was right behind him. I threw my hammer toward him. My pith was on target, that man fell down. I immediately hit his head so that he passed out and did not run again.
I immediately dragged him to the basement to lock him up again. But I thought for a moment. I thought I didn’t need to lock him. I continued my game more good. I took the pen he used to burn the cats. I wanted to enter him into it. I tied his hands so he could not open the door of the cage. I sprayed him with gasoline. Somehow I felt satisfied when I saw this guy was hurt. Perhaps because of his hatred was beyond. This was something he had to feel! The pain I had been feeling, and the pain of the cats.
I would burn him when he was awake. I waited while watching TV in order he did not run away. I could not wait to burn him until he felt tortured.
 Finally, he woke up. He looked around. He began to realize that he was tied up. He began to rebel and try to be free. I laughed at him acting like a fool. This was my revenge for all my pain. I did not care about him anymore. I just wanted to see this man felt tormented. I heard his screaming.
. "Hey, mad ladies! Get off me! What will you do barbaric?’’.
"Ha ha ha this is my game! Just enjoy it! You’ll like it! Soon victory will come and you will feel your lose! Haha!" I said and laughed cynically at him.
.He struggled and screamed for help. It was useless, no one would listen. I immediately lit a matchstick on my hand. He began to struggle, his face was so scared. He started begging me not to kill him. But there was no reason for me to cancel my intention. I immediately threw the matches which had flame of fire towards him. I didn’t forget to pour gasoline on him. The fire began to spread throughout his body and burn that man. The man rebelled, screaming in pain. I just laughed at him on fire. I was so happy. I was really pleased to see all this. Finally, he felt the pain. Now there would be no man who hurt me. I immediately left the basement as the fire began to spread throughout the room.
I sat in the living room. The place I used to sit with my cats. Sadly, they did not exist anymore. I was alone. I thought I want to die. I was not worthy to live. I did not have anybody now. Fire that had burned my husband's body started to burn my house. I left the house, and I just kept silent at the front yard of my house. Citizens began to realize there was a fire in my house. They came and immediately dragged me out of my yard because the fire already devoured the entire contents of the house. They all urged me and asked what happened. My house was crowded at all, and firefighters put out the fire that had devoured my house. I could not say anything because I did not know what to say. Eventually they found the body of my husband that I had burned in the basement. They began to look angry to me. Even some people wanted to attack me. They took me to the police station. Asked me a lot of questions I did not understand. I just answered what I could explain. And finally they thought I was crazy and took me to a mental hospital. I did not care. I also had no wish to live anymore. I was ashamed to be a part of them. I'd rather live as a cat. Because a cat could be free without any pressure from anyone.


                                 Horror Short Stories
                                                       (By : Endang Firdaus)

These short stories are stories related with myth (a confidence to something uncertain)

                                                    Death Glass
                                             (Grandma, Don’t Leave Me Alone)

       Everyone left the class, and they were picked up by their parents who had waited. I walked outside the class then I stood and looked at school gate. I thought the way to back home, because it was rainy, and I didn’t bring my umbrella. My parents had never picked me after school. I was lonely and I just heard the sound thunder of cloudburst. I just hoped that the rainy was stopped soon. No one cared with me.
In my loneliness, there was a hand touched my shoulder in sudden and made! me shocked all at once I scared.” What is happening? Who is this?” my mind was full of concerns. I was brave to turn my body slowly. Evidently, that was my Grandma.
“Grandma? What are you doing here? You make me shocked and scared!I felt angry, but I tried to provide.
“I was waiting you in home, but you didn’t come. Because of that I come here to pick you up!she explained with full of attention to me and she gave me an umbrella
“Thanks grandma!” I affected and speechless of what she had done to me.
 So’ we were back to home, used the umbrella. When I had arrived in my home, I went into my bed room. I changed my uniform with a shirt. I took a rest.
        The time was 07.00 P.M, I woke up then I wanted to continue my journey, writing. Writing was my hobby. I liked to write since my parents had died, at that time I realized that everything must be in memorizing. So, I just wanted to write at all. I started to write…
“I am Nicky, I am nine years old and I school at a Favorite Primary School in my village in grade four. My parents have died, so I live now with my grandma. I call her as ‘’Mom’’, because she looks like my mother.  She is so fussy and it makes feel annoyed. But, whatever will be, she is the only one left whom I love in my life and she is very precious to me”.

“Niiicckkkk!” My grandma shouted, broke the silence and my concentration in sudden.
“Yes Mom!”
“The time for dinner!’’ she said again.
“Ok, wait a second!’’ I answered.
I got out from my bedroom to the dining room table soon.
“Mom, what is the menu for today?” I asked her.
“I just cooked spaghetti and crepes (a kind of food in France)!” she answered.
“Is there anything else? I am bored with that menu!” I complained.
“You have to be grateful with these!” said my grandma.
I wasn’t appetite. But, I ate with a feeling of forced, because I was in compassion with my grandma who had served the foods for me.  My grandma was brought a glass of mineral water.
“Nick, this is something you have to drink!” She put the glass near my plate.
“Yes, just put it. Thanks!” I said quickly. Actually I didn’t like to drink it and my grandma was so annoying.
When I wanted to take the spaghetti, I was not accidently my hand touched a glass. Then….
Praaaaaaanggg! ” the sound of the glass broke made the situation in terrifying, coupled with the sound of thunder and it was still rainy since the last morning.
I looked at pieces of broken glass. My grandma and i were speechless. I squatted and cleaned up the pieces of broken glass, my grandma followed me to clean up. After we had cleaned up the pieces of broken glass, we stood and faced each other. I looked at to the old woman with wrinkled skin was stood and stared at me. I realized that she was a fussy woman and sometimes she was annoying. However, she was my grandma, she was the only one who cared and loved me, and I loved her forever, I wouldn’t lost her.  I didn’t want to lose the moment, so I immediately embraced my grandma. My grandmother believed that the broken glass was a sign that someone close to us would die.
“Mom I love you” I said and cried.
“Yes boy, I love you too. You must be a good boy, I am old, so I cannot care you completely, I can die anytime!” she deeply moved and spoke haltingly
“Mom, what are you talking about? You can die anytime? Please don’t leave me alone. I don’t have anyone who love and care with me, except you Mom!” I spoke firmly in tears.
“Ok stop boy, don’t cry. The most important thing is I always there for you. You don’t have to whine, as a boy you must be strong and don’t be spoiled” she tried to made me calm and spirit.
“Thanks mom” I smiled.
It was still rainy and the sound of thunder still made the situation was so terrible. Then, I asked permission to sleep with her, because I couldn’t sleep by myself, I was so scared with the situation. Sometimes I rejected that the broken glass was a sign of someone death, but sometimes I believed that. So I kept my grandmother. Finally she allowed me to sleep with her in her bedroom. I could be calm and felt confident when I was beside her until I slept well.      

What is “the old-man in the earlier time said” meant??

“Niiiccckkk, come on honey, the time is already 06.30 P.M” my mother screamed.
“Yes mom, I am wearing a tie. Wait a second, please!” I begged her.
After I had finished wearing my uniform and tie, I approached my mother and my dad who were sat at the terrace. As usual I asked my father to have some snacks and money, then my mother used to give me supplies and I kissed the hands of my parents like a good boy. Before I went to school, I always had remembered of what my mother said “be careful”, and what my father said “be a good boy, and learn well”. They were became slogans to me to undergoing my days.   
The day was very sunny, I walked to school. Fields and the trees looked so beautiful make my way to school was so cool and fun. Besides, I was very happy because I lived with my parents who were always loved and spoiled me. At school I was a difficult person to get along with my friends. I'd rather keep quiet in class even though it was in the break time.
Bryan, he was the only my best friend in my class. He was the son of the regent of our regency. He's just like me, he was better alone than played with friends, but he was easy to talk to friends. We often shared stories each other, but sometimes he could be a quiet closed person.
It was a break time. My classmates went out of class. I just stayed in class and I opened my lunch which I brought from home. My mom made ​​me fried rice. Meanwhile, I saw Bryan at the corner of my class. He was alone. I approached him, and then I invited him to eat together, he received my invitation. Finally, my lunch divided by two. We ate together at the corner of class, we looked like a couple, but it’s ambiguous, because our gender was the same. Bryan ate the food which I gave to him greedily, until the food had been exhausted. But I had my food left because I felt saturated, so I asked Bryan to help me Di to eat up my food. So, I intent to throw my foods, but Bryan banned me to do that.
" Just eat your food, it is just a little longer!" he told me
'I have saturated. This is for you if you want!’’ I said.
"No, I don’t want to!" he answered.
"So, I'm going to throw this!" I said… Suddenly…

"Don’t! I say don’t!’’ The old man said that the food was must to be eaten. ‘’If we don’t eat that, the food will be crying later" He said seriously
“Crying ? Is it true?” I inquired him with the feeling of unbelievable. But the old man just passed away from us.
Well, the old man in the earlier time must be has a lot of experience and knowledge" Bryan assured me .

My hands were convulsive suddenly, after I heard what he said. Because of that, I ate my food.
Sometimes, I got scared when I was with Bryan, because I thought he was a mysterious person. When we were together and shared each other, he used to speak with a strange case in sudden and unpredictable what he said. Besides that, he also used to make me scared with his story. I was wondered what on his mind was, however he was the only one close friend of mine at school.

The time was over, and some of children took by their parents outside the class. We both decided to go home together, because we both had never picked up by our parents. On the road we did not talk much each other. We only focused walking towards the house. Suddenly, I wanted to pee, and then I asked Bryan waiting me for a while. He did not inquire where I would go.  I ran away and searched the place to pee until I saw a big tree. After I had finished doing that, I went back to Bryan.  Suddenly he asked me..

 ‘’What have you done?.
 I explained him of what I had done.
He looked at me sharply, in sudden. I was afraid and wondered of his gaze.
“It was very frightening" he said to me.
“What did you mean
?’’ I asked.
“The old man in the earlier time said
that you should not piss carelessly, especially under the tree, because it was a bad attitude. The keeper of the tree would be angry, due to you piss carelessly1” he explained to me as if my own attitude frightened me.
Whatever you say or whatever you want to frighten me, I don’t really care because I don’t believe it!" I said firmly.
"Okay. You do not believe that, there would be something happen to you!" he answered lightly, and it's obnoxious.
I was speechless and I decided to walk quickly and left him. I was upset with him. I thought he's so smart and knew everything than othersFinally, I got home and headed to take a rest in my bedroom. But actually I still remembered about what Bryan said that the keeper of the tree would be angry. That thing disturbed my mind. When I slept, I dreamed. My mother’s screaming. I rushed out of my room. I asked my mother what happened. In fact, my mother screamed because she was fear of cockroaches. Huuftt.. I thought something bad happened to my mother, but it’s just cockroaches. I went back to my room and then I looked in the mirror for a while. I thought, there was nothing strange in me. I thought what Dian said was a lying and that there was no keeper of the tree. My mind tried to calm. But, still, my heart was always worried about what Bryan said. Suddenly…
I was shocked and afraid of that sound.
 Something fell to my hair. I tried to take it out of my hair. Something was black and mushy. I smelled it. It was lizard dung. It felt so obnoxious. I headed for the bathroom soon to clean my hair. Then I took the bucket to fetch water. There was no water, the tub was empty.
"Mom!! There is no water" I screamed.
Several times I had to call my mother, there was no answer. My father was working, and my grandmother had gone to the market. I looked for her in her bedroom, but no one there. I looked out, it turned out she was talking with a neighbor. Ughh it’s very annoying. Then without any sense of ashamed I called my mom. Soon, she approached me. I asked about the water. She didn’t answer me. She just told me to fetch water from the river. It was hard to believe. Why was everything became very annoying these days?.
 I was forced into the river to clean my hair because of the lizard dung. After that, I came back to home, hopefully there was no something annoying happened to me. Then, I decided to take a rest.
It was the time for dinner, my father, mother and grandma was waiting on a table to have a dinner. I immediately headed to the dinner table, because I was hungry. Besides, my mother cooked my favorite food. I was very excited waiting for the turn to take the rice, it seemed like I forget the annoyance occurrence the day. Maybe because of I forgot or rushed, I took the rice using my left hand. Meanwhile, the mother suddenly yelled at me.
“Nick, don’t use the left hand!!” She yelled at me.
“What’s wrong mom?” I inquired
“It’s not good!” She said firmly
“I think it’s ok and no problem” I said flatly.
“Don’t deny” she yelled.
Actually, I was upset, why she did she angry to me just because something trivial. I became no appetite but I continued dinner unwillingly. After I had finished, I planned to be quiet in front of the door to enjoy the cool night air. I also rushed the front door and sat down, leaning against the wall. I enjoyed the night air. It would make me comfortable and forget the occurrence of the day. I thought Bryan made ​​me uncomfortable with the words mysterious. I thought that what Bryan had said was related with the annoyance today. Whatever that was for sure I just wanted to enjoy the present moment. But, my mom pissed me off again. She told me to go to bed. I loudly replied "yeah soon". Afterwards she suddenly came up and approached me. She looked like a monster that stood in front of me. I was fed up. Why did she used to disturb me and she was very annoyed. However, I tried to calm, she’s my mother and I didn’t want to against her, I had to respect her.
“Nick, don’t sit in front of the door!!” she said
“Is there something wrong mom? Why do you always forbid me?” I said with an odd-face.
The old man in the earlier time said that sit in front of the door is should not do, because you will hard to find a wonderful mate” she explained.
“aaaah”  I careless
I was speechless and I rushed off to my room. Then I laid and hoped that I go to sleep quickly and forgot the day. However, I felt there was something strange of what my mother had said. Well, I remembered, she said "the old man in earlier time said". I felt like I had ever heard of that sentence before. Bryan, Bryan. Yes he had ever said that. Last morning he said the same phrase “the old-man in earlier time said". What was the purpose of "the old-man in earlier times"?. My mind was getting aroused to know what the purpose of "the old-man in the earlier time" was. If it was the effect of " the old-man in the earlier time said". Oh shit, it made me even more curious and be afraid of the phrase " the old-man in the earlier time said". Than I was glued to think of it, be better slept. Maybe tomorrow I could find a real sense of  " the old-man in the earlier time said". Finally I slept with full of worry.
“Nicck!"  Someone with a creepy face and had three-eyed on her face, she wore a black robe carrying an ax, coming to me.
"Who are you?” I lied and did not know where I had to run away.
"You have made my place smell and broken" increasingly creepy face as he raised his ax as if he would hit me.
"Nooooooooo" I screamed and I woke up in sudden. It was a dream.

I also woke up, I breathed haltingly. My mother, my father and my grandma came to my bedroom, and they made ​​calm.
"What happened honey?" My mom inquired to me while she hugged me.
“I was scared mom” I
cried in mother's arms.
“Why did you scare? I think it was just a bad dream. Calm down, there’s your dad, and grandma” She said
 I breathed haltingly. My grandma brought me a glass of water. I felt better. My Grandma and my father left me soon, but my mom was still stayed me and it made ​​me felt comfortable and no fear. She told me to sleep and hugged me. She stayed with me until I slept well.

 The next day when I had any curiosity on my mind, the most important was the occurrence at yesterday that I thought it’s not logic until I found the phrase “The old-man in earlier time said”. But I did not want to think about it first, the most important was I had to wake up from my bed to take a bath and got ready to go to school.
I went to school, and when I arrived to school, the day the process of learning in the school was not effective, because there were books fair. As usual my school used to conduct the books fair. I walked to saw the books in some stands. Then I went to a stand that had the collection of horror books. Then, I remembered the phrase “the old-man in the earlier times” that made a something mysterious on my mind. I inquired to the stand owner.
“Excuse me” I said.
“Yes, can I help you?” she asked and smiled.
I was looking for a book which the title is  “the old-man in the earlier times said”. Do you know that? Is that available here?” I asked her.
“Yes, exactly. Wait a minute” she answered surely.
“Ok” I said.
“Here it is, just check it!” She said and gave me a book.
I checked the book and red the content of the book. After that, I was sure that book would help me to find out what happened in my mind. So, I bought the book with the price about ten dollars.
the book had become mine, I went straight to the garden behind the school. There's no one there, I sat down and started to open the book, the book cover was so creepy and it made me wanted to open the book slowly. The first thing I looked for was about "the old-man in Earlier Times said" and a page that talked about it was on page twenty-eight. I opened the page until I found the twenty-eight page.
The title of that page was "The mystery of the word earlier times old man".
 I read carefully, the situation was very quiet so there was no anyone who could distract me. I spent two hours to red that part. After I had read that part, I knew something about “the old-man in Earlier Times said". There was some mysteries about “the old-man in Earlier Times said", included :
-  if
you’re laughing now, then you will cry later.
-if your ears turn red and feel hot, then it means that people are talking about you.
-if you open an umbrella inside the house, then there will be a thief at your house
     Those parts made people fear. What Bryan had said about "Do not take a pee under a tree" and my mother said about "do not sit front of the door" described in the passage. But there was a part that describedIf there is broken glass, then there will be someone dies. It was greatly exaggerated. However, it made me felt scared. I had ever made the glass broke.
I thought I had two choices between believe it or not at all. Although I did not believe, but there was still a fear in my mind if one day I had the incident. I tried to life as usual, hopefully I could forget about “the old-man in Earlier Times said".


It Was just A Myth

That Monday was a very sunny day, there were no sign of rainy. As usual I learned at school and the most important I could meet my classmates.
When the time of learning was over, all of us prepared to went home. Suddenly, Lisa, my friend (actually I loved her), gave us announcement that she would made a birthday party on Wednesday. She asked us to come to her birthday party with no exception. Yeah, I felt happy because I would go to Lisa’s home on Wednesday, but I thought my parents would not let me to do it. Ahh it was a little problem, I thought. After that, all of us went to home quickly.

I went home with my friends. On the way, we used to joke each other, laughed together. We were separated when our home was near.
After I had arrived at home, I saw my mom and dad prepared their luggage. Then my mom came up to me and said to me that she and dad would go to the California for business affairs, and they would be back again on Thursday morning. Actually I was sad, because I would be left by them. Maybe it was for the goodness of them, I did not want to interfere with their affairs even though I had to stay with my grandmother for a while until Thursday. Besides that, I had the opportunity to attend Lisa’s birthday party on Wednesday. So I let them to gone.
After my parents had gone, the home was very deserted because my grandma had never ignored me. I didn’t have to be spoiled by my parents.

Wednesday finally arrived. I had been waiting for the day because I would attend Lisa’s birthday party, which was started at four pm. I was prepared to wear the most fashionable clothes that I had. I was ready to go. I saw my grandma was praying, so I decided to go without asking permission to my grandma.
I had arrived at Lisa’s home. All of my classmates had come. I joined with my friends for a little speak or joke. The party was started, I looked Lisa was standing in front of the cake that had been provided on the table, we sang a song of "Happy Birthday", and finally Lisa blew the candles and we gave applause.
After the main event had completed
, we were free to eat food that had been provided. I took the ice cream and back together with my friends, I saw Bryan sat alone, and when he stood up and then walked, he suddenly collided with Lisa’s brother who was carrying a glass. “praaannggg” the sound of broken glass made people were shocked. Everyone  at Lisa’s house shouted in surprise .
Bryan went away, but I became felt weird with the earlier incident after looked the broken glass and heard the sound of it. I paused to think, and I remembered quote on the book I bought “If there is broken glass, then there will be someone dies. But I thought it was not me who broke the glass, so I should not be afraid, my mind tried to comfort me. I decided to immediately return home.
I arrived home, I opened the door and I called my grandma, five times I called her, no answered, I looked for her into every room but she still did not exist. I was getting restless, where was grandma? What happened? Whether it had relation with the broken glass? My mind was restless. I was confused.
I was waiting for grandma on the sofa by the window into the night until I fell asleep with a full anxiety.
I woke up in the morning, I looked around, there were a lot of people in my house.
“Where is my grandma?” I asked firmly.
Everyone looked at me with a sudden, no body answered, and I saw on their sad faces and they cried. Suddenly, my grandma came up from behind.
“Nick!" She called and touched me
“where are you last night?” I waited for you. Then, what is this? Why there are a lot of people here?” I said with full of curiosity.
“I will tell you, soon”
“what happened? .
She cried and hugged me. I didn’t know what that mean. Until she said
“your mother and father are death” She said haltingly.
I surprised on what she said.
“Please, you don’t joke grandma!! Where are my mom and dad?”---- I saw her eyes sharply.
“Come on follow me” she led me.
I was invited by her to living room. She said there were two people lying
wrapped in grave clothes. I approached them. Exactly, they were my parents.
“No – No—No—No—it’s impossible” I shouted and cried loudly, I tried to wake them up, I hugged them, until someone pulled of my arms.
“Mom – dad, don’t leave me alone!” I still cried like I was not sure what happened, until I
lose consciousness, because of I didn’t stop my sadness. I didn’t know everything after. I just knew that I had no parents.


“mom” I called my grandma.
She was not answered. So, I left her and I took a bath and prepared to go to school. I looked to my mom’s bedroom, she still slept. Then, I went to school as usual. After I came back to home, my mom still slept.
“Mom” I woke her up.
she still no answered. I thought she was death, so I was cried and still tried to wake her up.
“Mom don’t leave me alone”
“I promise, I will be a good boy, I will not going to lie, I will always keep you, and I will always subject to what you said, I promise mom. Most important you don’t leave me mom---“ I said haltingly and cried.
Suddenly she woke up and said.
“Surprise” she said
I didn’t know what I felt at that time. Was I Happy or angry to my mom? She had lied to me with pretend to
“Remember, what you said. You promise to be a good boy, and keep me” she said and smiled. She felt that she was won. However, I was happy because there were my parents and grandma in my life and about the broken glass, it was just myth.

About The Authors

Afifah Amani

This girl who is called ‘’Fifa’’is a student of English Department in ‘’Universitas Padjadjaran’’ and a Madridista. Her hobbies are singing, listening to music, watching movies, and reading translation novels. She likes everything related with public speaking, presenter, and United Kingdom, included its language.
Facebook : Fiifaa Amaanii
Twitter : @fifazayna

Dini Amaliasari

This one girl is usually called ‗‘Dinyo‘‘ is a student of English Department in ‗‘Universitas Padjadjaran‖. She loves everything related with photography, music, and travelling.
Facebook : Dini Amoy
Twitter : @dinyoodiny

Resty Hidayati

This girl is usually called Rere. She is a student of English Department in 'Universitas Padjadjaran'. She likes singing. She loves everything related with photography, photo editing, and shopping.
Facebook : Resty H'f Rere
Twitter : @restyrre

Merlin Mersita Ardania

This girl who is usually called ' Mein' is a student of English Department in 'Universitas Padjadjaran'. She has another activity besides studying, it is singing in some events in Bandung. She has her own income. She loves everything related with face make-up.
Facebook : Merlin Mondrow
Twitter : @mmersita

Endang Firdaus

This one boy is a student of English Department in 'Universitas Padjadjaran'. He loves everything related with football. He is an interesting and very proud of hometown, Tasikmalaya. He is very humorist and friendly to everyone.
Facebook : Endang Firdaus 
Twitter : @endangfirdaus04